NS8-wg-easy App (WireGuard VPN)


Did you run the command
modprobe iptable_nat
at a shell ?

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there was no response after doing this in a shell

Did you run the command before installation or after ?


Then please go to the wg-easy app in Settings (Einstellung) and save again.
Check if it is running now.

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no reaction from what i see

inside the file just iptable_nat

There is normally no output when you run the command.
Can run lsmod | grep iptable_nat.
The output should be something like below:

[root@ns ~]# lsmod | grep iptable_nat
iptable_nat            16384  1
ip_tables              32768  1 iptable_nat
nf_nat                 61440  3 nft_chain_nat,iptable_nat,xt_MASQUERADE

Again please open the wg-easy app go to settings and save (no need for changing anything). It is just for reinitialization wg-easy.
Check if it is running.

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think this is different from yours

Which version of Rocky Linux you are running ?

cat /etc/os-release 
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9.4 blue Onyx

Then pleas try as @mrmarkuz suggested.

The last part is the important.

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Please also check the status of the services

runagent -m wg-easy1 systemctl --user status wg-eas*

and if the port is already in use:

ss -tulpn | grep 51820

ss -tulpn | grep 51820 has no result i guess because of not loaded service.

The output should be longer, you need to scroll down using the cursor keys. Your screenshot shows the wg-easy.service twice.

To show the full output with line wrap and without pagination:

runagent -m wg-easy2 systemctl --user status wg-eas* --no-pager

As we can’t reproduce your issue please explain the steps you did.

No, it’s because the port is not in use which is good.

Let’s check another port:

runagent -m wg-easy2 podman exec wg-easy-app ss -tulpn | grep 51821

i reinstalled the app yesterday, how u told me and then i configure it how it was described. Formerly i did the file with the iptable_nat.conf also as described.

The wg-easy-app service seems missing, let’s check it directly:

runagent -m wg-easy2 systemctl --user status wg-easy-app --no-pager

Does the service file exist?

ls -l /home/wg-easy2/.config/systemd/user/wg-easy-app.service

Please try the following:

Reset failed services:

runagent -m wg-easy2 systemctl --user reset-failed wg-easy*

Restart service:

runagent -m wg-easy2 systemctl --user restart wg-easy

still same… in the log is:
2024-05-29T09:52:34+02:00 [1:wg-easy2:systemd] Stopped Podman wg-easy.service.
2024-05-29T09:52:34+02:00 [1:wg-easy2:systemd] wg-easy.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
2024-05-29T09:52:34+02:00 [1:wg-easy2:systemd] wg-easy.service: Failed with result ‘start-limit-hit’.
2024-05-29T09:52:34+02:00 [1:wg-easy2:systemd] Failed to start Podman wg-easy.service.
2024-05-29T09:52:34+02:00 [1:wg-easy2:systemd] Dependency failed for Podman wg-easy-app.service.
2024-05-29T09:52:34+02:00 [1:wg-easy2:systemd] wg-easy-app.service: Job wg-easy-app.service/start failed with result ‘dependency’.