NS8 Web interface is very slow

NethServer Version: 8
Module: Admin

Does anyone else notice the web interface is very slow, like almost unusuable slow? Any tips/tricks I can investigate to speed this up?

Slow is relative. Can you give examples in seconds of the various pages and operations pls?

Also where is you browser and where is your cluster, what connections etc etc

On the contrary I find it fairly quick and sleek if run from a NVME or SSD disk. On HDD that’s another story… With HDD and old CPU it feels like you say almost unusable.

I would measure the load time in minutes, lol. I haven’t measured exactly. I’m just trying to load the cluster-admin page. Sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes a refresh will load it, other times it will pulse (whatever the loading animation is on the interface)

I have tried remotely, and from a VM local to the machine. Locally is obviously better.

It’s a relatively new installation, I migrated mattermost over but nothing major so far. The usage metrics in the VM show nothing taxing, no CPU’s are pegged, plenty of ram overhead, etc.

On the contrary I find it fairly quick and sleek if run from a NVME or SSD disk. On HDD that’s another story… With HDD and old CPU it feels like you say almost unusable.

Wouldn’t it be pegging resources in that case (CPU, RAM, disk I/O)?


When it doesn’t load, do you get some error (404, gateway…)?
Could be the related services are still starting but shouldn’t take minutes after boot.
Try to monitor the log and the browser console just to see if you catch any meaningful error.

No, just the blue spinning wheel, and then sometimes the blocks for the modules will load, but flash. I’ll see if I can look at some log files.

about the blocks with info I noticed some slowdowns in NS8 pre-releases but improved since then.


after feels like 50 installations of NS8 as a virtual instance or on real disk, I can’t confirm this. Even with the minimum hardware requirements recommended in the documentation as a VM, the admin page is still the fastest of all.



That’s good to know. Must be something I am doing wrong. I do get some network timeouts occasionally. Logs aren’t showing too much, I have some crowdsec notifications.

Wildshot, did you check your browser, extensions, cache? Maybe test again with another browser?

So, it turns out it is largely related to my mistake :unamused:

I have a site to site vpn setup on the same subnet as the ns8 server, so only some of the traffic was coming through the browser.

Thanks for all the help!


Fair enough and no harm done IMHO.