Snapshots need to be supported so we need at least LVM.
The implementation could work like in Recycle Bin Samba NS8 - #31 by mrmarkuz
Interesting feature, I’m going to check…
I don’t understand why in NS8 features in my opinion “essential” like recycle bin and file auditing has remove.
From this point NS8 is further behind than nethserver7 which had these basic features for a file server integrated into the cockpit.
Same things about synchronize folder with rsync time backup as could be done before with ns7, now i have to have additional machine to schedule a script with robocopy.
NS8 is completely new (container orchestrator application server instead of OS) and Samba changed too, for example we now are using samba registry (net conf) which brings more flexibility.
Things need to be tested and implemented and there are limited resources.
It’s already possible to use Recycle bin and auditing but you’re right, it should be available in the UI.
Recycle bin:
I didn’t know you meant the backup…you’re right, NS8 uses restic and there’s no time machine rsync backup anymore.
In the meanwhile it’s possible to restore single files/dirs: File server — NS8 documentation