NS8 Print Server

This Mini How-to taken from GitHub - chuckcharlie/cups-avahi-airprint: Docker image for CUPS intended as an AirPrint relay and modified for purpose



/config: where the persistent printer configs will be stored
/services: where the Avahi service files will be generated


CUPSADMIN the CUPS admin user you want created - default is CUPSADMIN if unspecified
CUPSPASSWORD: the password for the CUPS admin user - default is the same value as CUPSADMIN if unspecified
TZ is your timezone
Use the latest or version# tags to auto choose the right architecture.



Example run commands

Without Airprint functionality (tested)

podman run --replace --name cups --restart unless-stopped -p 2631:631 --device /dev/bus -v $(mktemp -d):/services:Z -v $(mktemp -d):/config:Z -e CUPSADMIN=admin -e CUPSPASSWORD=PASSWORD -e TZ="Country/City" docker.io/chuckcharlie/cups-avahi-airprint:latest

With Airprint functionality (Untested) *Please Note: Must be run on host network to support multicasting which is needed for Airprint.

podman run --replace --name cups --restart unless-stopped --net=host --device /dev/bus -v $(mktemp -d):/services:Z -v $(mktemp -d):/config:Z -e CUPSADMIN=admin -e CUPSPASSWORD=PASSWORD -e TZ="Country/City" docker.io/chuckcharlie/cups-avahi-airprint:latest

Add and set up printer:

CUPS will be configurable at https://cups.domain.tld using the CUPSADMIN/CUPSPASSWORD.
Make sure you select Share This Printer when configuring the printer in CUPS.
After configuring your printer, you need to close the web browser for at least 60 seconds. CUPS will not write the config files until it detects the connection is closed for as long as a minute.

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