NS8 - no applications in Software Center

NethServer Version: NS8 B2 / Rocky Linux 9.2
Module: Web UI

Hello everyone!
Please help me with the following problem.

The following are not displayed in Cluster status:

  • Installed applications

The following are not displayed in the Software center:

  • all available applications
  • installed applications
  • possible updates (I think it should be because I haven’t accessed NS8 for about 2 months)

The installed applications are displayed in the App Launcher. From here I can access them and they all work.
I restarted NS8, I rolled back to other previous snapshots and they all have the same problem in the Web UI, regardless of the browser used (updated to the latest versions).


Hi Garbriel, thank you for testing NS8 Beta 2

There is an open issue with our repository hosting service on Digital Ocean. Requests from NS8 nodes are blocked due to the User-Agent client header.

As a workaround go to the Settings > Repositories page and add an “emergency” repository:

Set as repo URL the following value


Note that “Testing” should be disabled, unless you want to deal with testing apps :wink:

As workaround for new installations run the install script as follow:

export REPOMD=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NethServer/ns8-repomd/repomd/
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NethServer/ns8-core/ns8-stable/core/install.sh | bash

Thank you!

Now it is working!

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Same issue. Applied same new emergency repo. Works!

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interesting for those who will think on personal repo, this is the content of the backup repo


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:white_check_mark: The hosting issue has been fixed, and the Software Center now displays contents as usual.

For those that applied the workaround, the “emergency” repository must now be removed/disabled, otherwise an error is displayed:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/nethserver/cluster/actions/list-core-modules/50read", line 27, in <module>
    json.dump(cluster.modules.list_core_modules(), fp=sys.stdout)
  File "/usr/local/agent/pypkg/cluster/modules.py", line 259, in list_core_modules
KeyError: 'module'

I can confirm.

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