NS8: Minor Display Issues

Couple of minor display issues I’ve spotted.

Every so often, my App Launcher loses it’s icons and shows this:


The Disk details on Node is showing 1 disk twice:

I only have 3 mounted disks:

/dev/sda5       9.0G  5.9G  3.1G  66% /
/dev/sda2       994M  363M  632M  37% /boot
/dev/sda1       100M  7.0M   93M   7% /boot/efi


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I saw this in my tests and I think it could be a browser/cache issue, after reloading the page the symbols should be shown correctly.

I think the second one shows the relevant mountpoints (check all mounts by executing mount) and two of them are on the same disk.
Maybe it’s possible to setup a separate disk for the containers? In that case it would make sense.


Thank you for reporting, I’ve added 2 cards:

@EddieA can you confirm?

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It depends which page (left side menu) you are on when you do the refresh. Some do not refresh the application icons, but being on Cluster Status did.


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the partition you get more is an overlayFs for the storage of root container mounted to /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay. We plan to hide it

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