

MeshCentral is ready for testing.

Installation is possible using the Software Center by adding my repository, check out the repo webpage for instructions.

After the installation go to the app settings and set a FQDN/hostname.

At the login screen you need to create an account first:

Still work in progress:

  • LDAP
  • Mail settings
  • Allow/block (agent) IPs
  • Branding


  • Migration from NS7

thnk you @mrmarkuz for this wonderful addition.

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I agree with @oneitonitram. Thanks for bring this to the test version. I appreciate it.

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Just out of curiosity if I did a migration. How would Meshcentral factor in to a NS8 migration. Will NS8 actually migrate it? or would I need to backup the data directories like Meshcentral videos tells you to do then copy them to the new install on NS8?


i think migration though possible, due to the fact that a database is used for the agents, might be abit more tricky.

this is because, we are also relying on URL of meshcentral for the agents on the corresponding servers. o, unless you might also be looking to utilizing the same domain FQDN, then it might not work even after migration.

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I’m working on the migration. As soon as I got it working, I’ll share a manual.


Sounds great. Thanks for the follow up and letting me know.


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So far my testing is going good. I wanted to give you some feed back.


NS8-MeshCentral 1.1.27 released.

In my tests with Rocky Linux on Proxmox I needed to set the VM CPU to “host” to make mongodb work, check out GitHub - mrmarkuz/ns8-meshcentral for more info.

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Did some testing, everything seems to run fine… Except: the ldap-part, which you marked at work-in-progress. Can´t even get the logs to debug…


Thanks for testing!
I hope I can include LDAP soon…