NS8 mariadb ssl connection

is it possible to make a ssl connection to mariadb application running on NS8?
If so, could you please guide me a little bit how to accomplis this?

I didn’t test it but it should be possible.

The ns8-mariadb app has a volume mysql-conf.d for additional configurations which can be used to put the certs and configs there (hopefully)

[root@ns8rockytest ~]# runagent -m mariadb2
runagent: [INFO] starting bash -l
runagent: [INFO] working directory: /home/mariadb2/.config/state
[mariadb2@ns8rockytest state]$ podman volume ls
local       mysql-conf.d

To get the volume directory:

[mariadb2@ns8rockytest state]$ podman volume inspect mysql-conf.d --format "{{.Mountpoint}}"

Here’s a tutorial to setup SSL for mariadb: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-setup-mariadb-ssl-and-secure-connections-from-clients/

Certificates need to be created (in the volume directory) as explained in the tutorial from step 4 onwards.

A file named for example include.cnf including the ssl options (pointing to the certs created in the previous step) for both, server and client as explained in step 7 of the turorial needs to be created in the volume directory.

podman unshare nano $(podman volume inspect mysql-conf.d --format "{{.Mountpoint}}")/include.conf

Restart the service to apply the config (just to be sure)

systemctl --user restart mariadb

Link to mariadb docs including more options like verify ssl cert: Securing Connections for Client and Server - MariaDB Knowledge Base

Thanks for the advice. Our database developer has since found a solution that doesn’t necessarily require ssl access to mariadb as he initially requested, so I don’t have to deal with it urgently. Maybe I’ll try later. Thanks anyway.

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