Ns8-lamp needs testers

will try to reproduce this wk

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I coverd this problem by increasing the value of Rate Limiting within the firewall.

one additionaly question

What are the correct values for owner and group that you have to set recursively with chown if you want to run PHP scripts in a subdirectory?
lampN: lampN or numeric values that are defined in the lamp environment?

And if the latter, how do I determine the correct values?

Ps.: the Manufacturer’s recommendations

From outside the container it’s

[root@ns8rockytest ~]# ls -l /home/lamp1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/app/_data/
total 8
-rw-r--r--. 1 625292 624337 2318 Aug 28 11:14 index.php
--w-------. 1 lamp1  lamp1    22 Nov 27 21:07 phpinfo.php
drwxr-xr-x. 2 lamp1  lamp1    25 Nov 27 21:19 test
-rw-r--r--. 1 lamp1  lamp1     0 Nov 27 21:09 test.php

lampN is mapped to root in the container so from inside the container it’s root:root

Just for writing to files you’ll need www-data:staff, see ns8-lamp/README.md at main · stephdl/ns8-lamp · GitHub

[root@ns8rockytest ~]# runagent -m lamp1 podman exec -ti apache2-app ls -l /app
total 8
-rw-r--r--. 1 www-data staff 2318 Aug 28 09:14 index.php
--w-------. 1 root     root    22 Nov 27 20:07 phpinfo.php
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root     root    25 Nov 27 20:19 test
-rw-r--r--. 1 root     root     0 Nov 27 20:09 test.php

I did not catch really the question, but permission in web folder are interesting

look at the example at ns8-lamp/README.md at main · stephdl/ns8-lamp · GitHub

indeed the user is www-data (user) and at least this user must be allowed to write, but not in all the folder

The common error is chown -R www-data:staff /app

You need to do it only where apache needs to write a persistent data. Where you have php files, only the execution and read is needed. If the php app is able to modify the php files who knows what it could happen.