Ns8-lamp needs testers

And thanks!

Well, that was easy

  • Create an NS8-LAMP instance and set FQDN and MariaDB password
  • Go to phpmyadmin and create a database and user with all privileges on that database
  • Set phpmyadmin off in settings
  • via node console run “runagent -m lamp1 podman exec -ti lamp-app bash”
  • Go to “/app” directory and “rm -f index.php”
  • Download the latest vvveb from github with: wget https://github.com/givanz/Vvveb/releases/download/1.0.4/latest.zip
  • unzip latest.zip
  • exit the container console and exit the node console
  • Browse to your FQDN and voila, fill out the credentials required and you are in business!

How wonderful and nice POC. Bob’s your uncle!
(Wiki time)


please could you test the backup and restore :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah I wanted something simple for the sysadmin, we do not really think in the same way, dev vs sysadmin

  • Installed vvveb CMS, working (lamp3)
  • Set backup to local storage and enforce immediate backup. Confirmed
  • remove lamp3 via software center → confirm deleted
  • Restore → select lamp3 instance with backup just made on local storage
  • vvveb CMS restored as lamp4
  • lamp4 working as expected, no issues.

ps. Backup for lamp4 has to be set obviously



be kind to share tutotial(LAziness speaking)

thank :stuck_out_tongue:

5 messages back? :wink:

my bad

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Small issue, when phpmyadmin is enabled, the status is shown as ‘disabled’:


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Looks total different at me

LAMP 1.0.8.

When I try to open phpmyadmin using the link, the website opens instead.
Using https://FQDN/phpmyadmin too.


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I cannot reproduce, with an upgrade I messed up something and by default phpmyadmin was disabled hence you get a 404 until you save again the settings page

This has been fixed in 1.0.9

I miss translations, I only push in english

Isn’t it possible to have English as a fall back language?

Or a language’s switcher within the profile?

it is a core function but what I do not understand is I see the english translation even if my locales are french

what is your browser ?

do you have automatic translation to german ?

do you have enabled extensions

Just curious, I see the latest version on github is 1.0.9, and in software center, after refresh, it is not yet available (checked after an hour). What would be the expected repo refresh interval for the newest release be available in Software Center?

Is it the 4 hours mentioned here ?


I think yes, if you check here, the 1.0.9 is not available

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  • Safari and Firefox

  • no autmatic translation

  • Only 1Password Extension

Indeed it takes the 4 hours for the meta data to populate accurate repo info

Works as expected with enable/disable phpmyadmin setting.

maybe this, in chrome I set to display the webpage in english first, else in my native language if it cannot

but the only good fix is to provide translations