Ns8-lamp needs testers

yes it is a good question, I think mysql is not configurable by the user, we could think on it

however for your case the default size is 64MB, but it is not mariadb :stuck_out_tongue:

it seems you can set it by the command line until the server restart

runagent -m lamp1 podman exec -ti lamp-app bash
MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like 'max_allowed_packet';
| Variable_name      | Value    |
| max_allowed_packet | 16777216 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824;
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the idea could be to make editable these files

root@lamp:/# ls /etc/mysql/conf.d/
mysql.cnf  mysqldump.cnf
root@lamp:/# cat  /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf 
root@lamp:/# cat  /etc/mysql/conf.d/mysqldump.cnf 
max_allowed_packet	= 16M

let me think on it

root@lamp:/# tar
tar: You must specify one of the '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' options
Try 'tar --help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.

tar is included : thoughts ?

mysql custom configuration is now possible, please read the readme


I believe the mechanism of being able to have customizable and survivable settings outside containers is of huge value! I opt for this to be availabe with all app in a ‘NS way’ that also respects all backup methods!

Not only does it provides customizable setting, it also reduces the need (and risc) to access containers themselves. Gives me a nostalgic feeling re good old on “db configuration set


Big hugs and kisses to @stephdl

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it exists but in a different way, modify the file /home/module1/.config/state/environment and restart the service

password must be in a different place, probably a password.env

Hello Steph, is it possible to build this into the lamp module Vvveb

As a sort of a plugin for getting websites up and runnign very quickly

Vvveb/docker-compose-apache.yaml at master · givanz/Vvveb (github.com)

Can this not be installed “on top off” the ns8-LAMP stack?

why do you not want to use directly the container instead ?

ns8-lamp can be forked and used to any project that does not have a container or for project started manually years ago.

During the container creation I wget phpmyadmin sources, it could be any of other php project

I would love to see such an NS8 app. It may be a nice alternative for the bloated Wordpress app!

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because a single webserver needs to have the ability of hosting more than website, unless i am wrong

do not know, it depends of your usage

you are a developer → nethserver-kickstart-mariadb
you are a sysadmin → ns8-lamp

How to disable and enable phpmyadmin access pls? After installing and testing an webapp, I would like to disable phpmyadmin access completely, as if it does not exist, 404 error., obviously to tighten security.

And sometimes it needs to be enable to do some work.

Preferably a ‘switch’ like setting/command outside of the container, maybe in settings of the lamp1 instance?


yep I was thinking on it myself, it could be a good improvement

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done in 1.0.5, check the advanced settings, enabled by default

Upgraded from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5, but no option in advanced settings. Also, I never touched the mysql password and left it as default Nethesis,1234. Now I can not change that. How can I?

At the same time, would it be an idea to also have an option to enable (disabled by default) phpinfo page by means of a symbolic link on/off? Off by default for security ofcourse.

This is 1.0.5


Ah, creeating a new instance with 1.0.5 does show the option properly:

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I cannot reproduce

Capture d’écran du 2024-09-12 21-38-53

Maybe we do not bother, for an upgrade from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 will never happen again. After all, this is all tests.

I stated remove it from the App folder, I think it is enough, normally it should not survive because it is an ephemeral website

as stated you need to use phpmyadmin to set another password once set, but I did not have written it explicitly.

Maybe I could do an action to mysql to amend the password, but I am not a big fan