NS8 - Issue after core updates

I installed the latest core updates on my NS8 test system.

According to the message display, the updates went through without any problems.

Everything worked right after the update. After a restart, however, connections to the web interfaces no longer work. This seems to affect all web services.

A connection with SSH is still possible.

I went back to the last snapshot and tried several times, the problem occurs after every update with a subsequent restart.

The network configuration or hostname hasn’t changed, I would imagine there is a problem with traefik?


Edit: The underlying system is Debian 11

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A test with “lsof -i:443” shows no result, port closed? 22, 25, 587 etc. seem open.

I don’t have an answer, but I encountered the same thing the other day under Rocky 9. Since I was dealing with other issues anyway, my resolution was to just blow it away and start over, which probably isn’t what you want to do.

Well, the snapshots before the core updates still work. But not anymore after these core updates.

Traffic now seems to be going through port 443 as well, but not from me:

“lsof -i:443
slirp4net 1083 loki1 8u IPv4 20319 0t0 TCP myservername:43388->ec2-15-236-36-251.eu-west-3.compute.amazonaws.com:https (ESTABLISHED)
slirp4net 1083 loki1 11u IPv4 19315 0t0 TCP myservername:59222->lb-140-82-121-6-fra.github.com:https (ESTABLISHED)”

Would the (problematic) core updates already be included if I completely reinstall NS8?

I’d assume so. My installation now doesn’t show updates available, and its web UI works fine.

does traefik is up ?

ssh traefik1@localhost

systemctl status --user traefik

podman ps

something interesting in log with root user


need to test it, sometimes we have side effect with the podman version between debian (so much old) and centos like

workable on debian 11


ssh traefik1@localhost

The SSH connection asks for the password for “traefik”.

systemctl status --user traefik

Failed to connect to bus: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not defined (consider using --machine=<user>@.host --user to connect to bus of other user)

podman ps

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                              COMMAND               CREATED       STATUS           PORTS       NAMES
814f3984b9b4  ghcr.io/nethserver/redis:0.0.31    redis-server /dat...  14 hours ago  Up 14 hours ago              redis
765c8ffd4ab8  docker.io/grafana/promtail:2.7.3   -config.file=/etc...  14 hours ago  Up 14 hours ago              promtail1
57facee6bc5e  ghcr.io/nethserver/samba-dc:0.0.6                        14 hours ago  Up 14 hours ago              samba1

cat /etc/debian_version


something interesting in log with root user


Do you have a hint what I could narrow the journal output to (grep)?

Here are a few excerpts from “journalctl | grep error”:

cluster[312]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
samba1[315]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
promtail1[314]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
bggsrv node[313]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused

ldapproxy1[530]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
mail1[539]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ldapproxy1[530]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
mail1[539]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
loki1[546]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused

traefik1[576]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
traefik1[576]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
traefik1[865]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory
traefik1[947]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory
traefik1[1066]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory

traefik1[576]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Sorry I hadn’t tried this under “root”.

Under “root” I can log in via ssh as “trafik1”.

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To narrow

journalctl -t trafik1

Everything relative to the traefik1 module will be displayed

It seems that traefik ldapproxy and mail cannot contact redis on the port 6379

Did you try to restart redis

systemctl restart redis

“journalctl -t traefik1”
returns for the current session:

Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[608]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[608]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[712]: Error: statfs /home/traefik1/.config/state/configs: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[887]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[920]: Error: statfs /home/traefik1/.config/state/configs: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[952]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[1021]: Error: statfs /home/traefik1/.config/state/configs: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[1054]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[1092]: Error: statfs /home/traefik1/.config/state/configs: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:02 myservername traefik1[1135]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:03 myservername traefik1[1177]: Error: statfs /home/traefik1/.config/state/configs: no such file or directory
Mär 12 12:40:03 myservername traefik1[1255]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1001/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory

After “systemctl restart redis” I get with “journalctl -t traefik1” (new messages):

Mär 12 13:10:40 myservername traefik1[608]: redis: 2023/03/12 13:10:40 pubsub.go:159: redis: discarding bad PubSub connection: EOF
Mär 12 13:10:40 myservername traefik1[608]: Task queue pop error: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Note: it is not important for me to solve this problem, I can also reinstall NS8, it is only a test system. But I would like to understand what is going on and how to troubleshoot such issues in NS8.

Can you connect to redis

In root


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Yes, I get the following (prompt):> 

You’re not alone, I have the same error:

Mar 14 12:15:42 lvvi-neth8-1 traefik1[2706]: Error: statfs /home/traefik1/.config/state/configs: no such file or directory
Mar 14 12:15:43 lvvi-neth8-1 traefik1[2740]: Error: error reading CIDFile: open /run/user/1000/traefik.ctr-id: no such file or directory

Also running on a Debian 11 VM.
SSH and redis acces are ok.