NS8 How-to Troubleshoot and Bug Reporting

This guide will show you how to find more information from the Logs page using a real-world example.

Problem: My network DNS (Dnsmasq app instance) is not working.

The app Status page shows that the dnsmasq service is in a failed state:

  1. Go to System Logs

    • Click the Go to system logs button. The Logs page will open, with the Context preselected to App, and the chosen App set to dnsmasq1 - Node1.

  2. Search for Logs

    • Press the Search button. Scroll down the page to see the latest log lines from the selected application:

  3. Identify the Failure Reason

    • Among the log entries, find the failure reason:
    2024-06-27T12:20:45+02:00 [1:dnsmasq1:dnsmasq] dnsmasq: CNAME loop involving rl1.dp.nethserver.net

Now you can open a new forum thread to report the problem. Include the log excerpt that fully matches the error reason. Sometimes, understanding the log can be challenging, so sharing the log contents allows others to help interpret it. Do not forget to strip/replace private information!

When Writing a Bug Report, Remember to Include:

  • What you were doing and what you wanted to achieve
  • The software versions involved

I have also found chosing the follow Option, then saving the settings page and stepping through the logs as you follow along the settings being

The app-specific log filter is good for reducing the overhead and sharpening the focus.
Is it not possible to extend the filter list to include the backup function, for example to be able to quickly analyze backups?

Usually entering the word backup in the search string field is enough for this purpose.

Yes, I have done it. But I wasn’t sure if I was getting all the relevant log entries on the one hand or too many on the other if I have alternative backups (SMB and S3).