NS8: Error fetching password policies


When accessing the user portal is get an error notice:

The relevant log entry is:

Ldap version 2.1.1

Somebody any idea?


what exact url are you using to access the use rportal?

The link that is provided under the domain details as ‘Open User Portal’, which is constructed of:


Now this specific server has LDAP1, LDAP 5 and LDAP6 so I have been playing around with it.

could you update the admistrative password for the particular domain then try accesing the url

Did that, same issue.

I did notice however that the password check also includes a password history. So previously used passwords can not be used again. I did not find any documentation on that. It is also not obvious, for when entering a previously used password, the UI throws an error and not an info box explaining that a password is in the password history.