NS8: better discovery of systemd services

Like people asked in Install wordpress to NS8 - #43 by GG_jr

We found that we could better display the service state in the status page of a module, for example with webserver we missed to display the state of phpfpm container, it is something really important to know if something is up or down when you try to understand when something is not running as you would

I would be pleased if some of you could verify my code fix and do a proper QA on Service discovery by the status page of a module · Issue #6892 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

to install the good core version, either update to core testing 2.5.5-dev.2

or manually

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NethServer/ns8-core/main/core/install.sh > install.sh
bash +x install.sh ghcr.io/nethserver/core:2.5.5-dev.2

to debug a module

  • rootless
runagent -m webserver1
systemctl status --user
systemctl stop --user phpfpm@8.2.service
  • rootfull
runagent -m crowdsec1
systemctl status crowdsec1
systemctl stop  crowdsec1