NS8-App Mayhem: A Modules Dev thread on multiple modules issues faced

Tested and no problems to report.

There are functions that can come in handy for support requests in the forum (json prettifier…) or for some quick tasks (IP calculator, crontab generator…), but in my opinion it is of limited use for SMB (sporadic use, same task quickly done with an online search/tool), but maybe developers use it more often.


Adding these 2 here so that i may remember.

Implement form builder and survey manager apps for nethserver 8

Potential contenders.

  1. Formbricks
  2. Heyforms
  3. OpnForm - OpnForm

How about https://community.limesurvey.org/

It had some attention in the past and could easily be installed into an iBay in the old days.

thats also a wonderful option, would be considered as well

thank you

Hi All, its been a Journey, 21 Apps later, with lost of experience gained.

What other Apps would you like to see on NS8


Over the Last 2 Months, We have added a significant Amount of new Apps onto the Nethserver 8 portfolio, and its been an interesting Journey.

There Apps i beleive Deserve their Won full Fledged Announcement, While Others, Equally robust and Powerful, i don’t see the need for them to Have such an announcement.

its with this reason, I will work to Have all the Apps in the Build Process Documented here Again, for Better Tracking, as well as Every time a new small app is completed, we Announce it here in a small way.
All Apps are also tracked here View 1 · Nethserver (github.com)
Some of them we have completed, and need very thorough testing, others are weired, completed, running well, but we dont see anything on interface… many weired problems we have encountered i tell you.

what do you think @alefattorini

Thanks All for all the support given


HEllo @LayLow

Limesurvey is now available for testing. still WIP

add-module ghcr.io/geniusdynamics/limesurvey:0.0.1-alpha.1 1

you can play around with it, suggest any feedback or issues you might face.

Expect multiple versions before we get to beta release, as this is the initial working version.