Normal or Domain user is not able to login centrally in Freepbx and Mattermost

NethServer Version: 7.6
Module: Mattermost and Freepbx

I have created 1 user in NS but i am not able to login in Mattermost and Freepbx. Mattermost is nothing showing any users in system-console. But in Freepbx user is visible under user management but not login.

Please provide me some solution for this !

Mattermost doesn’t support an account provider.

Freepbx uses an own admin that you setup at first connect.

Thanks for Reply —

So NS not controlled Mattermost and Freepbx via ldap as like nextcloud ?

But why freepbx is showing new created user and what is its purpose to integrate with LDAP ?


freepbx supports the account providers but you have to login as freepbx admin.

Dear markus,

Is there any NS guide or book where i can read what will be the role of other users in freepbx (which are synced from NS in freepbx).
Because if i am creating any user in NS portal it sync with freepbx, so only need to know these synced user is for asterisk SIP or other purposes?


Hi, I used the doc search…