Nextcloud problem after update

Hello altogether,
I have a internal server with a NS7 installation and after a Nextcloud update when i open webpage appear " Nextcloud Migration Site has moved to ☞".
I’ve reinstalled Nextcloud but the problem remain.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance and best regards

You migrated just Nextcloud from NS7 to NS8 or the whole server?
If you click that link, does it work, it shows any error or doesn’t resolve at all?
Have you configured the new FQDN virtual host for nextcloud on your local DNS server (and on external domain provider if nextcloud is meant to be available directly from WAN?

The migration tool configures an HTML page with a link pointing to the new application virtual host name served by NS8. End-users will see that link instead of the old application. See also Manual HTTP routes.

Please note that most web application will need a dedicated FQDN (virtual host) after finishing the migration. Make sure the DNS record points to the NS8 node. In NS8, you can still configure custom HTTP routes for the migrated applications.


Salutti @dbucci

and Welcome to the NethServer Forum!

As I’m quite sure Marc can help you to a solution, I’ll stay in the background here.


My 2 cents

I’ve try the migration from NS7 to NS8 in a test server, it failed but the old nextcloud installation worked before the update. I need to reconfigure Nextcloud on old installation because NS8 not have all the function needed (i know, i’ve made a disaster but all the data are saved). I need a fresh nextcloud installation to reconfigure all the services

You might not need to.

From the manual, to revert changes (that is to remove the redirection and re-enable the virtual host):


rm -rf /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf.d/zz_nextcloud.conf
rm -f /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf.d/
signal-event nethserver-nextcloud-update

Now i can access to the Nextcloud login page but recive an error “Error while trying to initialise the database: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: oc_appconfig” when i login as administrator

Now work fine. With new nextcloud databese inizialization
Tnx to everyone

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