Nextcloud - Internal Server Error

The server has Nextcloud installed.
Now it shows Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

All the services are active and running. I have noticed the following warning near Mariadb service.

Jul 05 18:02:24 srv.domain.local systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB 10.5 database server...
Jul 05 18:02:24 srv.domain.local scl[1111]: Database MariaDB is probably initialized in /var/opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/lib/mysql-nextcloud already, nothing is done.
Jul 05 18:02:24 srv.domain.local scl[1111]: If this is not the case, make sure the /var/opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/lib/mysql-nextcloud is empty before running mysql-prepare-db-dir.
Jul 05 18:02:24 srv.domain.local mysqld-scl-helper[1160]: 2021-07-05 18:02:24 0 [Note] /opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/root/usr/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 10.5.8-MariaDB) starting as process 1160 ..

Can you list the installed nextcloud apps? or do you remember having installed documentserver or alike (OnlyOffice or Collabora Office, or any other app that requires java or tomcat)?

The application list is following

Crontab manager Nethserver integration of crontab manager 1.0.4
Fail2ban Nethserver integration of Fail2ban 1.7.1
File server Share files with your working group 4.6.0
Guacamole Provides a clientless remote desktop gateway 0.0.1
mrmarkuz repo is online Provides mrmarkuz repo, open link to get repoview 0.0.1
Nextcloud Provides Nextcloud for NethServer 1.17.0
NFS server Share files with NFS 1.0.1
phpMyAdmin Provide the administration of MySQL over the Web 1.2.5
Stephdl is online You can support the stephane de Labrusse (stephdl) software repository by clicking on the button 1.1.7
Web server Web server configuration with named virtual hosts and reverse proxy 3.12.0

Also I’m planning to install one of these Offices (OnlyOffice or Collabora Office).

Just found the following logs on /var/log/rh-mariadb105/nextcloud.log

2021-07-06 11:20:02 442 [Warning] Access denied for user 'nextcloud'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Don’t know why, but maybe the cause is Nextcloud update 2 days ago.

Whats the outcome of these commands?


/opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/root/bin/mysqlshow --socket="/var/run/rh-mariadb105-mariadb/nextcloud-mysql.sock"

grep \'db /usr/share/nextcloud/config/config.php |grep -v dbpass


|     Databases      |
| information_schema |
| guacamole          |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| phpmyadmin         |

DB missing. I have reinstalled nextcloud. So I need to resotore it from backup or there are other choices?
grep 'db /usr/share/nextcloud/config/config.php |grep -v dbpass

  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost:/run/rh-mariadb105-mariadb/nextcloud-mysql.sock',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'dbuser' => 'nextcloud',

It shall be on mariadb105 (use the second command above)

It shall be on mariadb105 (use the second command above)
What do you mean with second command?
the files are on /var/opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/lib/mysql-nextcloud/

I mean:

yes, the db is seen

|     Databases      |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| nextcloud          |
| performance_schema |

ok, but why the error that access denied?

Check if the dbuser nextcloud exists:

/opt/rh/rh-mariadb105/root/bin/mysql --socket="/var/run/rh-mariadb105-mariadb/nextcloud-mysql.sock" -e 'SELECT user FROM mysql.user'

If it exists, then you might need to check for a password mismatch (dbpassword in nextcloud config.php file and password on /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/nextcloud).


| User |
| mariadb.sys |
| mysql |
| nextcloud |
| root |

‘dbpassword’ value is the same as on /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/nextcloud

If passwords are the same what is left is to check them against the mysql nextcloud user password or the mysql nextcloud user privileges:

mysql --socket="/var/run/rh-mariadb105-mariadb/nextcloud-mysql.sock" -e "SHOW GRANTS FOR 'nextcloud'@'localhost'"
| Grants for nextcloud@localhost                                                                                   |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `nextcloud`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nextcloud`.* TO `nextcloud`@`localhost`                                                 |

Or to run signal-event nethserver-nextcloud-update hoping it completes what was left.

ok, a little bit closer! I had to reset the password and now I got the warning
Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues (from to

nethserver-nextcloud-1.17.1-1 (for Nextcloud was released today.
Looks like you managed to install (maybe from testing repo?) but now you are offered

rpm -q nethserver-nextcloud
yum check-update
yum list nethserver-nextcloud --show-duplicates

here’s output
rpm -q nethserver-nextcloud


yum check-update

nethserver-cockpit.noarch                                                                        1.10.3-1.ns7                                                                   nethserver-updates
nethserver-cockpit-lib.noarch                                                                    1.10.3-1.ns7                                                                   nethserver-updates
nethserver-firewall-base.noarch                                                                  3.15.7-1.ns7                                                                   nethserver-updates

yum list nethserver-nextcloud --show-duplicates

Installed Packages
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.17.0-1.ns7                                                                    @nethserver-updates
Available Packages
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.15.0-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-base    
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.0-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.1-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.2-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.3-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.4-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.5-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.6-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.16.7-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates 
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch                                                                    1.17.0-1.ns7                                                                    nethserver-updates

From where came the message? maybe was a partial manual update using nextcloud integrated update assistant (from the update button on Nextcloud interface)

The message came form browser.

21.0.3 should soon propagate to mirrors. In the meantime, you can choose to download manually download it
Or install it directly from the link (installing it directly from yum via direct URL is sometimes considered insecure)

yum install
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After installation the same internal error has been generated. I looked at nextcloud log and seen the same mariadb access denied error. Have changed the password for user and nextcloud works!
One error which have been fixed after update stayed without changes.
There are some errors regarding your setup.

* Last background job execution ran 4 days ago. Something seems wrong. [Check the background job settings](

Thank you very much!

The message shall go away the next time the nextcloud cron job runs.