I’m having issues with file modified dates so I wanted to do a fresh install of Nextcloud. I noticed that the DB and the nextcloud config was not being removed when doing an Uninstall from the UI.
Based on feedback here:
I did the following:
Uninstall Nextcloud from the UI
Remove the packages: yum remove nethserver-nextcloud nextcloud
Drop the database: mysql -e "drop database nextcloud"
Remove the whole NC directory: rm -rf /usr/share/nextcloud/
Remove the e-smith DB config config delete nextcloud
Try to Re-Install NC through the web page
It says:
The following command has failed: system-packages/update
I run the command it gives me and that produces this log:
I noticed this. I can understand why they wouldn’t be removed automatically, but shouldn’t this be an option when uninstalling an app? Some people may assume that uninstalling the application will also remove all of the data for it. The same goes for the DB. I can understand why we wouldn’t always remove it (in case we need to fix Nextcloud with an uninstall/re-install), but it’s also a lot of extra work for someone who wants a clean slate.
This is the expected behaviour: there is not a cleanup script because users often uninstall/reinstall a package just to try to fix a problem and the do not want that all files deleted