Hi there, I have 10 NS8 installs on Rocky 9.4 that are running Nextcloud. After the recent update, 4 of those servers now receive this error when accessing the files app through the web interface:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.
As long as I add it to the the URL typed in, I can get to anything else within the Nextcloud interface including settings and apps.
I am not seeing any errors in logs, but perhaps I’m not looking in the correct place???
Any thoughts would be helpful. One of these was upgraded from Beta 2, but the other 3 were not.
Yes, all the services are running, and I’ve restarted them just to make sure. I’m wondering if there is a log that I’m missing or a way to get a more verbose log. In ns7 I knew what I was doing, in NS8 all I know of is the log that you can get to within the module, and then the base system logs via command line.
The “Internal Server Error” message is shown on a blank page (probably from nginx web-server) or it is formatted as a nextcloud page with a “Technical details section” and a “Request ID” (the request id can be used to search and pinpoint the problem)?
If you can access some nextcloud pages I guess is the latter option.
On the Files app, it shows OK but without listing the files or doesn’t show anything other than the error?
Currently installed Nextcloud version is Nextcloud Hub 6 (27.1.11)?
On NS8 you can see the log for the NS8 nextcloud app instance (unified view of internal modules/services).
On Nextcloud’s Logging section (as admin) you can see nextcloud.log and if more verbose info is needed it is possible to increase log verbosity to debug level (for a short period of time, undoing changes later):
Sometimes you can see other errors on your web-browser console.
I ran this and got an output for folders files and elapsed time. No errors. I searched the log files for merged-template-prepend.js.deps and did not find anything.
OK, thank you so much. I had to cd to the directory nextcoud is in under /home in order to follow the file, but I found an error regarding the antivirus for files app. I’ve disabled it before, but I think I disabled to many things at once and it broke things then. I’ve disabled it and now am able to get in. I’m not sure how to see the /var/www/html/data/ folder other than through the runagent command which I am not familiar with at all.