Nextcloud Debug Log?

I would like to mount a Windows Server share on nextcloud (external storage) but get an error.

How can I get a Log from Nextcloud for debugging?

Hi, got this:

Whats next?

Watch the app log on ns8 log manager (don’t know if it gets all the info), on nextcloud log page or…

grep: /var/www/html/data/nextcloud.log: No such file or directory

Sorry, it was working the last time I checked but right now it doesn’t.

TL;DR: So, just use the ns8 system log page viewer and journalctl… (for instance journalctl _UID=$(id -u nextcloud1) command)

To enable the “usual” nextcloud.log it requires logreader app to be enable and log_type:file in config file but still no joy (what follows didn’t work):

When file based logging is utilized, both the Nextcloud log and, optionally, the admin_audit app log can be viewed within the Nextcloud interface under Administration settings → Logging (this functionality is provided by the logreader app).

Enable log reader app from nextcloud apps or from command line:

runagent -m nextcloud1 occ app:enable logreader

Nextcloud Overview page shows a warning:

Failed to get an iterator for log entries: Logreader application only supports “file” log_type

This doesn’t fix it, log file is no longer created automatically and no entries in log even after creating it:

runagent -m nextcloud1 occ log:manage --bakend file # + another variant specifying loglevel...
runagent -m nextcloud1 occ log:file --enable # + another variant specifying --file...
runagent -m nextcloud1 podman exec -ti nextcloud-app touch /var/www/html/data/nextcloud.log
runagent -m nextcloud1 podman exec -ti nextcloud-app chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/data/nextcloud.log

Although I followed nextcloud manual (and more), I could’ve made something wrong or missed a setting…