Nexcloud: missing apps

NethServer Version: 7.8
Module: Mailserver, Webserver with different vhosts, fail2ban, firewall, IPS, myPHPadmin, WebTop
uninstalled Modules: SoGo, Roundcube, Collabora
my configuration:

  • Use a virtual host for Nextcloud: no (i tried this, without success)
  • trusted domains: yes
  • Enable CalDAV and CardDAV auto-discovery: no
  • Shared files, groups or others: no
  • used internal update: no

Related to this posting:

I tried manual un- and reinstallation: nethserver-nextcloud — NethServer 7 documentation

…but I’m not able to install apps inside of Nextcloud.

[root@ns-srv01 conf.d]# cat /usr/share/nextcloud/config/config.php
$CONFIG = array (
  'passwordsalt' => 'BLABLABLA',
  'secret' => 'BLABLABLA'',
  'datadirectory' => '/var/lib/nethserver/nextcloud/',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => 'http://localhost',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'dbuser' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbpassword' => 'BLABLABLA'',
  'installed' => true,
  'instanceid' => 'ocnjqnjwtd9n',
  'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => false,
  'ldapProviderFactory' => 'OCA\\User_LDAP\\LDAPProviderFactory',
  'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',
  'logfile' => '/var/lib/nethserver/nextcloud/nextcloud.log',
  'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp',
  'mail_smtpsecure' => '',
  'mail_smtpauthtype' => 'LOGIN',
  'mail_from_address' => 'no-reply',
  'mail_domain' => '',
  'mail_smtphost' => 'localhost',
  'mail_smtpport' => '25',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
    0 => 'localhost',
    1 => '',
    2 => '',
    3 => '12.345.678.987',
    4 => '',
    5 => '',
[root@ns-srv01 conf.d]#

How can I enable the possibility to install apps?
Sincerely, Marko

I rested the admin-PW
sudo -u apache scl enable rh-php73 -- php -dmemory_limit=512M /usr/share/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin

…or you could have just logged in as admin with the well-documented default admin password of Nethesis,1234 (and then immediately changed it, which you should have done as soon as you installed Nextcloud).