New User of the Month ๐Ÿ†

As Discourse staff stated

Healthy communities are always growing, and one way to keep growing is to encourage your best new users.

I totally agree with that, so every month, the new users with the most likes on their posts, weighted by trust level, will be selected for this award.

This month Iโ€™m glad to award @renen and @pleasetryme. Thanks for your participation guys :slight_smile:


@devfx11 is the new user of the month. Thanks for jumping into our community so actively

Welcome @bouke and @ashballan new users of the month!


I completely missed this. I think it is a really great initiative and should get some more attention. Any ideas how to do this?

1 Like

@bouke @ashballan @devfx11 @pleasetryme @renen how would you want to be involved in our community?
What are your skills? There is room for all of us here.

Ehi @Tripple_Tee and @ftimmers new users with the most likes on their posts, weighted by trust level, are selected for this award.
Itโ€™s your time. Welcome to the NethServer community and thanks for trusting us


New user of the month! @quizhead @quadpr5 Itโ€™s your time. Welcome to the NethServer Community. What are you working on?


Wellโ€ฆ Iโ€™m working on finding a job :slight_smile:
Besides that Iโ€™m new to Linux so Iโ€™m still reading a lot and I even changed my PC OS to Linux.


New users of the month for @Kirk_macdonald and @rgmhtt
Thanks for being here folks

New User of the Month

This badge is granted to congratulate two new users each month for their excellent overall contributions, as measured by how often their posts were liked, and by whom.


Thanks guys I have been around I have been extremely busy wrapping my head around docker and its functions and stuff.

But got docker completely sussed with traefik proxy, letsencrypt, docker swarm, docker compose, dockerfile and all the trimmings

The hardest part I found was building images, making changes committing the changes then re-pushing the changes 3 days been working on that bit 3 days it took me lol.

Final phase of getting the backbone up as I now can use docker appropriately and can start pushing the software im going to use and configure it as soon as I have achieved this guys im all yours


How is it going with your tests?