New NethServer Site brainstorming


I would like to bump this discussion…

@alefattorini and @dev_team
Did you know OpnSense?
OPNsense started as a fork of pfSense® and m0n0wall in 2014, with its first official release in January 2015.
So It’s more or few the same age as NethServer ( at least the first release )

I think good exemple can inspirate our way to do, and to go.

If you study their main site:

  • it’s clear, and well organized, there’s the history, there’s a roadmap, there’s a legal guideline, there’s the features, there’s the mission…
    The main menu is all the newcomer need… A good hub.

If you study the forum:

  • it’s multilinguage…I really think it a good recipe.

If you study their wiki

  • it’s a good Knowledge base with Sphinx… Our actual NethServer adminbook plateform!!!

Now there’s 7000 subscribed in their forum, with such number, it’s easier to fill the doc, to find active users…


I’m not a fan of this site and I don’t love some things but you’re right, it’s clear.
I like these parts and we should steal them:

What do you think about this part?


The OPNsense project is founded by Deciso B.V… The support and history of Deciso gives the OPNsense project a stable environment. The company has a long history in providing networking solutions using open source software.
Other companies and parties are encouraged to join our effort and create a thriving community to make OPNsense as successful as it can be.

Do we need to adapt this text with Nethesis?


Sure, I’am not fan of the graphical scheme, but all good recipes are here…
Even the font size :wink:

Until the testimonial is here.
Other good point I like is the installation documentation separated of the administration documentation.
That has sense since it could target two differents readers/users in enterprise.

Another good inspiration could be the
There the “What is FreeNAS” and the explaination about ZFS the strong of FreeNAS.

Personnally, I don’t like so much the " For home" and “for business”, but at the same time, it’s a way to target the two main user’s familly.

Edit: There’s lot of things that aren’t well defined and hidden in the NethServer main site:

  • No history ( the fork and the reason of the fork )
  • The licence ( GPL/ BSD… Even the logo use)
  • What’s Nethesis role.
  • The final user ( for who, is the final user happy?)

Finally, what is the main site, if not to show all about NethServer.

Can I suggest a brainstorming with Nethesis’s guys to define all point?


Thank you @Jim, I think you’re pointing shaking us to the right direction!


Uhm, do you think that it’s so helpful?

Agree, as I said we have to add more information on it

Why Nethesis guys? :slight_smile: The NethServer Site is our community site, so let’s work on it together.
I can rename this topic as “New NethServer Site brainstorming” how about?

Just a few points about the new site:

  • move learn more on the home page
  • remove animation
  • use the catchphrase
  • add a mission statement and story
  • add more features on “Learn more”: no desktop, etc…
  • highlight the license (and logo use)
  • show who are our users: IT professional, Home Users, Windows Sysadmin, Linux Sysadmin
  • show "How can I use NethServer? Small Business Server - Firewall UTM - NAS alternative " not just features. Other ideas? Show NethServer as an alternative to… ?
  • quotes from community members
  • founded By and what’s Nethesis role.
  • show that NethServer is already translated in 10 languages
  • highlight that it’s a heavily community-driven project
  • improve the blog section, specifically the readability aspect
  • put some community discussions/howtos/blogposts directly in the home page?

Yes, I think with such stuff, the main site will be a real showcase.
The visitor will exactly know what is Nethserver…

I’m seeing other projects doing this.
I don’t know if it’s a mode effect, a tendency, or a real add value…
But I’m seeing it (, )

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I do agree that the website could be more descriptive about the projects purpose. When I first landed on the website I had no idea that there were payed products. Then when I found the other websites it seemed confusing how they related to the open-source part. I think bringing everything together would help with both selling your products and providing a clear picture of what the open-source part is suporting.

I think a good example would be the ClearOS website. Although, there website is a little cluttered I think they have the right idea. I do think OpnSense’s website is well organized, but I think NethServer’s website is moving in a better direction visually.

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Thanks for your feedback, we’re already working on this part, I think that @Alessia is able to share with us some previews.

Although I got your point, I don’t like the ClearOS approach because it’s not clear where is the separation line between the Community Project and Company. It appears the same thing.

Indeed, @davidep I love this quote

“branding without walls”.

Any other suggestions? I’m about working on this next days, my aim is having a new site before the NethServer 7 final release.
If there is anything specific that you’d like to brainstorm, feel free reply at any time.

Why do you wnat to remove the animation?
It make a little move to the site, a dynamics… What do you think to keep it.

Perhaps to reduce the size, or change the format ( a square size ), or put it in other place but keep it.

It feels like no one has time to watch it, starting to scroll just after a few images.
Plus, it slows down the home page loading.

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Hi my brothers IMHO …

I think an alternative, always good, for those headers of the site is the updated information. For example from the news blog, where we can see: advances in Beta or RC versions, events and other matters.

A link or menu speak directly clear that the product on a page just for that.

Current references slide of the homepage can be migrated to modules ‘feature’ who are immediately below the main slide.

Can you add some screenshot to better clarify your thoughts?

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According brother.
Give me this day while I check you can do from the Mobera template, I see that is using the site

Then I send screenshots

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I think I was unable to get my whole point a cross… I agree that the way they implemented their approach is unclear, but as a web designer, graphic artist, and marketing professional I am all ways looking at how to make the brand succeed. With out the brand there is no money, and with out money there is no workers, and with out workers there is no product. Where they fall short is in the design or implementation. If the idea is designed well the separation would be clear.

As a designer I think as long as you keep a simple well organized / layout with maybe a minimalist approach keeping with the current design trends, and promote on the first page how easy your product is to use and learn (education and community) is a formula for success.

Also, as a marketing professional I would advise you to hire an independent firm to handle your design and marketing or if this person or group all ready exists in your company have them handle these improvements so the design has less confusion and more cohesiveness. If you leave this to the community (including me) you will get so many different ideas and directions that nothing will ever get done.

I think It is very important to look at other successful open-source tools and products websites and use these ideas rather than trying to re-invent the wheel. Some times whats best is not all ways someones personal vision.


Really you can do whatever you want.

Warning. All content of my publications is treated with translators of Google and Yandex therefore may have balderdash writing

For the sliders of the home page, under the guidance of my colleague @SkintArtist, I think you should advertise products starting with the Community NethServer as you indicate in the table.

That comparison table over there :point_right: … marginalized in the last menu :astonished:… that which very generally have called Professional :cry: (I try to be dramatic and I finished clowning :rolling_eyes: )

Then bring order to the party. I am part of the tribe and not see the mess because I live at ease at this village (in fact I’m disordered). However with collective concern I have reviewed the site map and think we can reframe a better structure.

I visit the links in the header of the comparison table, I find the information that I would have found firsthand. But getting a little more I find that duplicate information:

  • One on behalf of Nethesis
  • The one on behalf of Nethservices

Edited: I forgot about these pages …

Notice. This information should be available directly.

  • What is NethServer? A FREE OPEN SOURCE software, SUPPORTED BY NETHESIS accompanied by an open and great tribe.
  • MMM good!! :sunglasses: What gives me Nethesis? … :wrench: Nethesis Services!

This is ideal for content sliders.

End edition.

I also feel that taking style reference ‘One page’ is much space we are leaving to take advantage from the home page. Eg, reference from the home page to what we will find on the site: community, documentation, demonstration, contact nethesis.

We must see how to treat applications that are shipped from the site and are beyond Mobera. (Discourse, Demo, Documentation).

At the bottom of the site pages is good idea to have a block that provides good basis for nethserver roots. Have a Site Map Summary, access to our social networks and other accessories … (A contact form, a subscription to a regular newsletter, etc.)

As an example I share the footer of a ‘media’ which I feel very proud: Telesur

I regret not being able build catches but the day is very short.

I hope, my brother, have given some light on the matter.

Some keys:

  • New map navigation
  • Increased presence of Nethesis with NethServer, perhaps from the community is difficult to visualize
  • For parallel services (Demo, Community / Wiki / Developer, Official Docs) create view previews on the site pages
  • Social networking … these exist and help a lot to position business :moneybag:

Well, we continue in this refreshing brainstorming :umbrella:


P.D .: The revision was based on sites like ClearOS, pfSense, OpenSense, Zentyal and Sophos

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I checked your site with the products for pay. I’ve found out that IT-professionals can join several partner-programs, but I didn’t find a way for customers to search partners in their neighborhood.
Also I can’t find some information about licensing and costs of the payed products.
I think this part could be more clearly.