Netify Flows page is needed

Hi guys,

Love the product, was looking forward to gathering more details. I’ve been using Netify Agent to gather data from my network. I created this GIT repo, and I think if something like this could be created to the project, it would be amazing.


thanks for sharing!

Can you explain us a bit how the project should work?

If I understand correctly, this a service running remotely that catches all netify flows and put them inside a db.
Does it requires a special configuration of netifyd?

On the netify agent side, I made the socket config be the OpenWRT router IP instead of

There is a python script that will listen to the stream, parse it and insert into a Sqlite DB.

I’ll be honest, this is my first project via coding html / JS. So it’s really raw but it gave me the info I needed. :slight_smile: