As now in final, possibly we will upgrade to NS8 NethVoice.
Does NethVoice has some kind of Watchdog for Trunks?
If not, then do you have plans to add this feature?
Or alternatively, how could I add it with custom code, as I am still a bit unfamiliar with the container model.
In NS7 we had the problem that after loosing internet connection (either ISP side or internal network update etc) seemingly the connection would not resume even after 1 hour. So I ended up making a cron running every 15 minutes and restarts the service if needed.
My NS7 code for PJSIP trunk:
# Asterisk Watchdog
if [ ! -d $DIR ]; then
mkdir $DIR
cd $DIR
rm -f result
/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'pjsip list registrations' | grep -E '__mysipname__' | grep -Ev 'Registered' > result
if [ -s "result" ]; then
mail -s 'PJSIP status - restarting' it@tradeservice.hu < result
systemctl restart asterisk
Inspired by SIP code (different status format):
Thank you for your feedback!