Nethserver - What it's all about

It’s been more than six months that I’ve been using NethServer. My go to replacement from Zentyal. Zentyal was one of those systems that if you didn’t maintain it it would break on it’s own. You couldn’t set it and forget it, there was always some service crashing that resulted in having to restart the service which would only cause more issue. Even rebooting the server may not help.

NethServer has been the BEST drop in place system I’ve used thus far. It runs without any issues, hell I even experienced a brown out where one of my servers rebooted and recovered without me even knowing about it. If that were Zentyal, the server would have been down for days.

My point is, I haven’t been very active on this forum; why? Because I don’t need to be. The system just works for what I need it for. I update it occasionally and move on.

Great work!!!


James your story is great, happy to hear this experience. BUT you’re wrong here: :blush:

We need you, if you want that NethServer and its community grow up… Be active here!
Share your knowledge, if you don’t need help, give help to others!
Even for gratituted towards who built it :wink:
Thanks very much… Hope other people copy your example and share their stories too!


@islipfd19 We need always more eyes and more opinions, Each of us will achieve to be closer to the best of NethServer. It is the raison d’etre of this great community.


Okay, Okay; you’ve twisted my arm. I’ll do my best to monitor this forum with all the others I’m on as well. :smile:


I’d like to bump this topic, we could use it to share our story with NethServer follow @islipfd19 example ! :smile:

I now have 5 separate forum tabs open on chrome at any point in time. LOL

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