NethServer Support Team!

Every single day I see a lot of people spending much time helping newcomers out here in the community

I am always very proud of that because the #humanfactor is an important “feature” of our community and we always try to stay focused on the quality of help, rather than quantity.
I can say that we have kind and supportive people that help the person first, not just solving a problem. :kissing_heart:

Said that, I’d like to build a small group of guys that showed a specific charisma with @mrmarkuz and @dnutan
I collected a list of people basing on specific criteria, achieving at least one of our silver+gold support badges

People who have already achieved this badge :point_down: is already on the right track towards joining such group

@dnutan and @mrmarkuz have accepted to be the group owners and they periodically will check the badges adding people to the group.
They will lead the group and get your back! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Congrats @saitobenkei, you have achieved the Tech Support badge and have been included as member of the Support Team Group. :sunglasses:
Keep it up, mate!


@danb35 by helping other members with your answers you’ve achieved Tech Support badge. Would you like also to join the Support Team?

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Sure, I’ll do what I can.


Amazing job so far @danb35 welcome aboard that super team :muscle:

@danb35, Welcome to the team. Your help is greatly appreciated! I hope you feel at home in this amzing community and keep helping our members for a long long time to come.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Helping with translations

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Helping with translations

@planet_jeroen, @mark_nl: by helping out other members you were awarded with the Tech Support badge. Wouldn’t be great to join the Support Team? Would you? You know the saying, the more the merrier.

Cheers to you!


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Sure i’am honored :blush:

Have to say up front main focus will be the nethfrog-sogo because I still feel responsible for it.
and with the good webtop upgrade news it may get obsolete, but as long as there is demand for it I will try to help @stephdl as much as i can.


And we’re honored of having you


Welcome @mark_nl. Glad to have you here and great to see your dedication to the community and project.

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Please don’t drop SOGo! But I have faith in you and @stephdl ! You did a great job in the past with SOGo, keep on going with it. Thanks a lot for your work Mark! :+1: (and of course Stephane)
Welcome to the team!


I would be honoured, tho I doubt I already deserve that title … I much enjoy helping out regardless :wink:


Welcome @mark_nl and @planet_jeroen, no doubt you both deserve it!

@planet_jeroen and @mark_nl and of course all others who help so much.

Thanks for your help and your great job here.

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Wooow, @federico.ballarini is on a helping spree! 11 accepted solutions and counting.
Federico, would you do us the honour of joining the Support Team?


Wow! The honour is only mine! I accept your request :slight_smile: Fantastic!



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