Nethserver-portainer needs testers AND ideas :D

I tested it on a VM (1 green interface) and on a gateway server (green and red)

On the gateway app templates are missing, I only got 8 templates. (usually there are more categories in the drop-down too):

I tried caddy and joomla but I always get to the Nethserver default page instead of the portainer apps when browsing to http://nethserver:portainerport.

Dedicated storage seems to work (docker volumes are created).

The portainer app button is missing.

After installation it worked but when I did signal-event nethserver-docker-update more often, it happened that portainer was not reachable.

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Ok I can create a basic container (tried alpine and ubuntu) think to use the good setting in portainer ->interactive & tty

for the network, set an IP in the network range, I am not sure for the mac address it should work with the default one.

at least this what I missed first

It can be a symptom of a lack of connectivity. I ran this experiment:

  • configured nethserver-docker on a green-only host
  • added red interface later
  • tried to ping from an alpine container
    wget -qO-

The ping was blocked. I found the aqua0 bridge was DOWN. It wasn’t bring up by interface-update event. So we need to add some logic to it, to bring it up again. This command was enough to work around the issue:

 ip link set aqua0 up

Please check the aqua0 state: if you find it DOWN take note of it!


just a quick test, and probably i miss something… i tested on a VM with only a green interface.
dedicated storage seems ok, but i cannot reach the exposed port of the container, any hints?

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Forgot the Docker facilities that automatically expose a TCP port by altering the packet filtering / nat configuration :blush: : they are disabled in NethServer!

You have to define a port forward in the NethServer firewall configuration manually.

Edit: If you want to expose a web site, configure the Reverse Proxy

For developers: I think this can be done automatically (and easily) by an RPM too…


A post was split to a new topic: Help needed with firewall and nethserver-docker

For any one who is using the docker swarm and I repeat this is only for docker swarm

to install traefik reverse proxy

docker network create --driver=overlay traefik-net

this creates a new overlay network for traefik to work on

then we need to create the service

docker service create
–name traefik
–publish 80:80
–publish 8080:8080
–mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock
–network traefik-net

then you can access it via local ip :8080

web where documentation for this

@stephdl, I tried to install nethserver-docker recently and never succeed to log onto portainer; always got 500 server errors.

Decided it was really too cutting edge technology and preferred to go for a DO droplet and uninstalled the thing.

Now I get plenty of those messages :

Dec 16 20:37:51 mattlabs nmbd[30919]: [2018/12/16 20:37:51.755513,  0] ../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:873(send_udp)                                                                                                                                                            │
Dec 16 20:37:51 mattlabs nmbd[30919]:  Packet send failed to ERRNO=Operation not permitted                                                                                                                                                             │
Dec 16 20:37:51 mattlabs nmbd[30919]: [2018/12/16 20:37:51.755637,  0] ../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:873(send_udp)                                                                                                                                                            │
Dec 16 20:37:51 mattlabs nmbd[30919]:  Packet send failed to ERRNO=Operation not permitted                                                                                                                                                             │
Dec 16 20:38:10 mattlabs systemd: Starting Time & Date Service...                

Maybe there is something not handled when uninstalling.

Txs :slight_smile:

Bump next steps


Wow. That’s really a moving target nowadays…

Could be an idea for GSoC :thinking:

also this seems a good news:

Now we should try to use portainer with podman, a user interface is a good point too :slight_smile:

new try and new features on portainer, it rocks


NO idea what this all means, but sounds exciting! :slight_smile:

Let us know more!

Having read through this thread and this one, I’m a little confused, as it seems we’re discussing several different approaches to getting Docker working on Nethserver. I’d like to deploy a Bitwarden installation on one of my Neth boxes–what would be the best way to get the Docker environment working to do that?

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I’d like to experiment with podman :heart:

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Podman -> Container -> Kubernetes :wink:

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Redhat loves podman