Nethserver-piler needs your tests

Could you please do the command below in the terminal of your nethserver


Obviously replace with the real domain name of your second email domain

the answer is empty

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This was expected, I set a host definition piler.firstdomain to the IP of the docker container, the ns doesnt know how to reach your second fqdn.

I honestly don’t know how it could work

I repeated the installation sometimes because piler didn’t archive the emails from the second domain.
Only the procedure described above fixed the problem.

I also honestly don’t know how it could work :hugs:

check in /var/log/maillog if you forward by email to and what the smtp service says

probably the expected result

cat /var/log/maillog | grep
Mar  1 19:04:26 MDOL-NethServer postfix/smtp[14041]: AFF9AF4D0B: to=<>, relay=none, delay=1.7, delays=1.7/0.01/0/0, dsn=5.4.4, status=bounced (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=AAAA: Host found but no data record of requested type) substituted by real domain

Yes postfix states that it doesnt know where to direct the email

and inexplicably, piler works as it should for the first time.

@capote would you test the next version 1.3.11

yum install

your issue is not fixed relative to the

add the following to /etc/sudoers: 'www-data all=nopasswd: /etc/init.d/rc.piler reload'

I have to make a bug report to @jsuto

Relative to above we could add it to the documentation

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I will test it. Can I update the package or do I need a fresh installation?

update should be fine, I tested it

Update works, but manual restart of piler service was necessary because error 503.

I don’t know if this is a bug or a feature

Search filters are saved only if they are defined manually, not via the advanced search form.


This misbehavior is not new, but is also known from the previous version.

the update needs to pull a new container and install it, it could be long

we need to ask if the community version could have an update, only the enterprise version has been updated since 2021

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Maybe you can update the documentation about the uninstallation. I remember the need to remove artifacts manually, for example:

  • DNS record
  • Piler service
  • Aqua network

I also do not know why “archive accounting” does not provide any results.

corrected a typo from
db domains setprop AlwaysBccAddress AlwaysBccStatus enabled


db domains setprop AlwaysBccAddress AlwaysBccStatus enabled is the first domain of the server ?

yes, also external DNS as and rDNS

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