a rpm to manage your postgresql server
yum install http://mirror.de-labrusse.fr/NethDev/nethserver-phppgadmin-0.0.1/nethserver-phppgadmin-0.0.1-1.ns7.sdl.noarch.rpm
then go to https://YOURIP/phppgadmin or use the button in the application panel of your Server-manager
the user : admin
the password : cat /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/pgadmin
once logged you can change it as you want by the phpPgAdmin application
you have some db
[root@NS7DEV6 ~]# config show phppgadmin
access=private # set to public for an external access
status=enabled #set to disabled to stop the service
for example :
config setprop phppgadmin access public
signal-event nethserver-phppgadmin-save
Of course, please report bugs and remarks