NethServer on Linux Voice

New amazing review of our distro on September 05 Issue
Nethserver came out second, after ClearOS but which is pretty good. Four stars

It also has a very active engagement with its community of users.

Offers the most common and popular servers for a SOHO

This time there is no need to buy the mag because issues over 9 months old are free to download.
Here is the link: Linux Voice Issue 18

Thanks to @filippo_carletti for sharing that


Broken link bro …
Downloading … First link

Second link with the six article page in Google+

+NethServer en Linux Voice, Issue 18.

But they forgot an h in the results :slight_smile:

1 Like

Are you sure? I am able to download the issue from that link… :neutral_face:

Murphy law :confused:

Yesterday it link gave me a “page not found” from Discourse app :frowning: