I have read a lot of earlier messages in the forum before I post my own.
I was using NethServer on VirtualBox. Recently, I am moving everything to Hyper-V running on Windows 10 host. Conversion of VirtualBox image to Hyper-V is trouble some. Therefore, I decided to install a fresh copy on Hyper-V.
Hyper-V runs quite nicely if you use “Generation 2” system. This is in short allows you to have bigger disk and ram capacity. It also boots in UEFI mode.
My problem is; my partitioning of a 10GB virtual disk is not automatically done. Moreover, I cannot make my own partitioning. Selecting I will configure partitioning is not helping.
Automatic partitioning:
It seems only way to complete installation is to provide at least two physical disks to installer and set one to be a boot disk. Of course this is using GUI installer. As a newbie to CentOS (I am more familiar with Debian and still using it on a lot of different installations) I do not know manual installation details on my part.
I do not have NethServer 7.8.2003 ISO, yet. I am going to download it and give it a try, too.
I have my own reasons not to have a second virtual disk file on my computer. I appreciate any help on how to complete my installation using a single disk.
For EFI (UEFI) you need a small virtual disk, eg 100-200 MB (!).
I don’t use Hyper-V, I’m using Proxmox on a small Server. So I can’t help with Hyper-V specifics…
But maybe running your server on a server, instead of inside a workstation virtualization, would be a good idea for you. Proxmox will run on almost any hardware. You can install Windows inside.
Proxmox has several advantages, it offers you (Out of the box):
Live Backups independent of OS
Full HA High Availability
Fast Installs
KVM Full Virtualisation and LXC LinuX Containers.
10 GBE (Win10: 100 GBE!) Internal Networking !!!
and much more
It’s as free as NethServer and takes 20 Minutes to install…
AND: A lot of forum members here have moved to Proxmox!
I am using my licensed Windows 10 Pro as my daily computer. I do not have any spare computer at the moment. That NethServer I am trying to install on Hyper-V is for testing purposes only.
After watching some videos of CentOS 7 EFI installation on Hyper-V
I realize that I am not clicking Done button after selecting manual partition configuration. When I click, I am provided a screen to manually create partitions.
However, adding a partition with mount point /boot/efi simply fails saying that mount point is already in use.
Problem here is, it is not doing automatic partitioning. When I choose so, I momentarily read Failed to save storage configuration (in grey font color)
after this No disks selected (in red font color)
It is not helping to create a new virtual server and trying to install from scratch.
I have installed NethServer 7.7.1908 more than once and on ESXi, VirtualBox. All probably were using MBR boot. I never touched Installation Destination as it was always auto set.
This is the first time I am trying to install on an EFI boot and having problem.
Is there a way to see log files of the installer? I might find something there, hopefully.
BTW, this is Windows 10 pro host with Hyper-V manager version 10.0.18362.1, Virtual Server having Configuration version 9.0. Moreover, it is also not helping to have Secure boot feature enabled or disabled. Not sure if that will be of any help though.
OK, I confirm that CentOS 7.8.2003 NetInstaller ISO image is just fine to automatically partition and complete installation that is without any user intervention
I can confirm the “gen-2-uefi” installtion fails in Hyper-V.
A short look at the kickstart file used by the installer seems to imply the mbr boot-loader / partion table is alway’s used. To my knowledge for UEFI you need gpt…
Did you try the “Manual installation” method? It actually does not provision the disk by any means. So it should leave to Anaconda all the partitioning stuff in the same way as Netinstaller does.
(do not consider the “Enterprise” label here. Our ISO does the same)
Using manual installation,
I click automatic partitioning in manual partition screen and it automatically created /boot and /boot/efi partitions.
I can click Start Installation and installation completes as expected.
Even I have a running system now, I favor to fix the problem if possible.
BTW, using manual installation, initial boot menu is not indicating anything about NethServer but CentOS only. As if it is a pure CenOS box. I kind of not liked it to my taste.