Hi everyone, As I am going to post tutorials of nethserver from basic to its installation and configuration.
You can find all videos in my channel playlist
Go through the link for playlist. We will update it weekly.
Thank you
Hi everyone, As I am going to post tutorials of nethserver from basic to its installation and configuration.
You can find all videos in my channel playlist
Go through the link for playlist. We will update it weekly.
Thank you
Where are such tutorials? Could you please post the link?
yes posted
In this tutorial u r going to learn installation of nethserver in dedicated server/desktop.
Please go through the following link for watch this tutorial.
Thank you for watching
Please, Keep your Video in this thread so people can follow them
Nicely done, thats great.
Hi Every one,
Here is another video login in to GUI and basic configuration part 1
Please go through the tutorial
Keep watch will update remaining soon.
Hi Every one,
Here is another video login in to GUI and basic configuration part 2, Continuation for part1
Please go through the tutorial
Thanks for watching
Stay tuned for more updates.
Hi Every one,
Here is another video login in to GUI and basic configuration part 3, Continuation for part2
Please go through the tutorial
Thank u
That’s a lot of stuff, thanks man I’m going to take a look very soon!
Someone else would like to watch these video? Feedback are welcome
Hi Every one,
Here is another video, In this tutorial you are going to take two types of backups Incremental or full and restore it back
Please go through the tutorial
Thanks for watching
Hi Every one,
Here is another video, In this tutorial you are going learn Creating and Managing users and groups for mailserver and fileserver
Please go through the tutorial
Woah a lot of good stuff here, you’re our video tutorial expert
ehi @jgjimenezs did you already see it?
ohhh!! Thanks a lot
Yes Friend! Excellent videos tutorial. @saikrishnavedaraju @alefattorini
Hi Every one,
Here is another video, In this tutorial you are going to learn basic configuration of EMAIL
Hi Every one,
Here is another video, In this tutorial you are going to learn assigning email address to the users
Thank u
2 posts were split to a new topic: New installation can’t access the internet