Nethserver-discourse needs testers

thank and kudos to @michelandre for his HowTo


I think I have something workable, if you want to test it

yum install

Once installed we need to set some important parameters

config setprop discourse domain DISCOURSE.DOMAIN.COM emailAdmin USER@DOMAIN.COM smtpHostname SMTP.DOMAIN.COM smtpLogin USER@DOMAIN.COM smtpPassword PASSWORD smtpPort 587 smtpTls true

domain: the domain where discourse is reachable, obviously it is a real domain name resolved locally or on internet

emailAdmin: the email of the administrator, an activation email will be sent to this account

Something to understand is that discourse will be in a container, it cannot use the smtp of localhost, you need to give the complete parameters of a remote smtp (the one of your server, or another of your internet provider for example). Discourse must be able to send email

smtpHostname: the host of your smtp provider
smtpLogin: the account you have to use with the smtp provider
smtpPassword: the password of the smtp account

then issue:

signal-event nethserver-discourse-save

once done we need to bootstrap the docker container of dicourse, this can be really long

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

once ended you can see the container up

[root@ns7loc12 discourse]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9a393d387f24        local_discourse/app   "/sbin/boot"        37 minutes ago      Up 37 minutes                           app

if all is good then you have to go to the domain you have set, in my example https://DISCOURSE.DOMAIN.COM

You will have some questions to answer, then an activation email will be sent to the emailAdmin, you must be able to send email for this, else you could not install completely discourse.

We have plenty options, we could speak of them later


I have started to write some documentation :

