9.00 Welcoming Coffee
9.30 Introduction and presentations
10.00 State of the NethServer Community @alefattorini
10.30 Nethserver implementation in a health company - from Zentyal to Nethserver @iglqut
11.00 Cofee Break
11.30 NethServer Project: Past, Present and Future @filippo_carletti
12.00 NethServer in an Educational environment - @robb
12.30 Integrating NS in a scholastic FOSS environment @syntaxerrormmm @fuso
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Moving to the next NethServer UI - @davidep
15.30 Print management for NethServer with SavaPage - @robb
16.00 FreePBX and Asterisk on NethServer - @Stll0
16.30 SambaStatus a “Do it yourself” module for NethServer - @gecco
16.50 NethServer Governance [Roundatable] - Moderator @robb
17.30 How to scale our community and involve new people? [Roundatable] - Moderator @alefattorini
18.00 Goodbyes and Networking
20.00 Community Dinner
Do you wanna join us? You still have just a few days