Nethserver-collabora CODE testing and discussion

True :grin:

I think docker is the way to go if direct installation does not work at all.
I am working on integrating koha that needs lots of perl modules and additional packages not provided by centos. So I am going to try the docker way with Koha.

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Great Job thanx!

Leaving the UX “everything is a file” philosophy is a inseverable trend and some of us (me among them) regret this. Some applications store their settings in a database and it is understandable as configurations get more complex. IMHO Unless the features of a configuration file are well documented and an application comes with a configuration tool: use it. :+1:

You know my view on this So looked in to it a bit. Basically it installs the Collabra LTS (base) components of LibreOffice. Hence the big amount of packages. As an purist i would be interested if we can succeed in rebuilding it or if it can run stable on the Libreoffice base from centos repo’s. I doubt the latter and suggest to valuate / take this on in the future to be sure we do not encounter regressions on behalf of this principle. :sunglasses:
Note: Collabra is one of the main contributors of Libreoffice and their source code is a branch of theLibreoffice git repository. Github mirror:

Why not use a copy of the default server certificate?

IMHO A local administrator account is inevitable if a application / module should work with a remote account provider. You can not be sure the Nethserver default admin user is present.
Moreover for applications which bind to the LDAP directly and this bind setting can be configured in an admin page of the application it’s dangerous to rely on the LDAP for a administration account.
If a user edits this settings and loses connection with LDAP/AD the application is a dead fish in the water: it’s impassible to correct your mistake! :fearful:
This being said, i like the idea to standardize it as much as possible and admin / Nethesis,1234 comes in to mind. (unfortunately it is impossible with nethserver-gitea :sob: )


Agree, it could always be templated later on if we accept loosing the config tool.

Me too. I really have to get into (re)packaging because nearly any of my modules uses an external repo or some install script. In the end packaging is most work but the most professional way as we decide version and updates.

Thanx, that would be possible. I just had to copy the cert and change permissions (SECURITY!) but I’d like to get rid of the cert at all and use localhost http.

That’s right. The question was more if PAM auth is necessary in general as it’s just an admin overview page. I fully agree, default app admin is enough for now.

That’s a great idea as I may just put the pw hash in the config file and I am done with admin user setup. It may be changed by loolwsd or Nethgui (vision) later.

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I would not drop the https route. Especially when the service is an internet facing service, IMO https should be mandatory. We already have a great LE procedure implemented. Why not use it?

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You’re absolutely right but in this case I am talking about the internal https connection. You still connect via HTTPS (letsencrypt) but are reverse proxied to the localhost https service which is not necessary IMHO.

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Works for me! :+1: :clap::clap:

It took a while before I had it running due to self-signed (CA) certificates, run a private PKI in the test environment. And will do a new fresh install after including my CA in nextcloud.

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Thanks for testing. I added the default pw for admin already as you suggested.

Hi did the fresh install: nextcloud 13, ldap accounts provider.

Until now I can not login to the admin page.
Also after changing the password with loolconfig set-admin-password.

The (what ever that may be :rofl:) defaults to
To make it work for me on the default vHost changed this to FQDN of the server
(config setprop loolwsd Domain

Maybe an option / opening to do this, found this in loolwsd.xml (included the line numbers)

 57         <ssl desc="SSL settings">
 58                 <enable default="true" type="bool">true</enable>
 59                 <termination default="true" desc="Connection via proxy where loolwsd acts as working via https, but actually uses http." type="bool">false</termination>
 60                 <cert_file_path desc="Path to the cert file" relative="false">/etc/loolwsd/fullchain.pem</cert_file_path>
 61                 <key_file_path desc="Path to the key file" relative="false">/etc/loolwsd/privatekey.pem</key_file_path>
 62                 <ca_file_path desc="Path to the ca file" relative="false"/>
 63                 <cipher_list default="ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH" desc="List of OpenSSL ciphers to accept"/>
 64                 <hpkp desc="Enable HTTP Public key pinning" enable="false" report_only="false">
 65                         <max_age desc="HPKP's max-age directive - time in seconds browser should remember the pins" enable="true">1000</max_age>
 66                         <report_uri desc="HPKP's report-uri directive - pin validation failure are reported at this URL" enable="false"/>
 67                         <pins desc="Base64 encoded SPKI fingerprints of keys to be pinned">
 68                                 <pin/>
 69                         </pins>
 70                 </hpkp>
 71         </ssl>

Great Job!

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I am going to use the FQDN as default.

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after systemctl restart loolwsd.service i can log in with my password created with loolconfig set-admin-password

loolwsd.service does not have reload, i tried…

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look like it is quite difficult to set a default password and could not find a place in the admin ui to change it.
Hence the suggestion to use PAM afterall, this let me login in with domain admins with LDAP:


         <admin_console desc="Web admin console settings.">
                 <enable default="true" desc="Enable the admin console functionality" type="bool">true</enable>
                 <enable_pam default="false" desc="Enable admin user authentication with PAM" type="bool">true</enable_pam>
                 <username desc="The username of the admin console. Ignored if PAM is enabled.">admin</username>
                 <password desc="The password of the admin console. Deprecated on most platforms. Instead, use PAM or loolconfig to set up a secure password."/>


 auth [success=1 default=ignore] user in [admin]
 auth [success=ok default=die] user ingroup [domain admins]
 auth       include      password-auth
 account    include      password-auth
 session    include      password-auth

Credits for the PAM configuration belong to @stephdl :


It should work already. The package should be updated but you may have to reinstall because I didn’t raise the release…

This is great, thanks, so we can have an internal admin and LDAP/AD. :sunglasses:

loolconfig set admin_console.pam_enable true/false may be used to change it.

I think its truncated here. :question:

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OMG, putty nano copy paste error…will be fixed soon.

loolconfig set admin_console.secure_password pbkdf2.sha512.10000.84de78d224a447158478da8b9717c3b66ac842e7217ac6b79bf864cf2cbc2d0be5b76818dd397502286295f8d31742564e0b31efac46fb6dffb6bd10ac9aacd1861af5c3311c749bc046608ee47d86f2978eedf78819bbde26e620d886eed4192234517ff1585c93dc6fde0166ba714268c89f7c41eefd77ada783ad86266dd7.1e2ecb9a387f3f5d48d167cde908f72f115c131307e556eb9c30227ffdfcf4843e3cea4fa80c4bfb830c2c1ab64c920a1902785e06c02f9365778cfd863a6fc0736db0b708a11231e2ecd47a5210b55bef7f7b0ce2f84c820b144313567845a5fa4e5b18c10d021dac5d99fb6e44876f6d39763b341a2b1533355c2485f6e248

EDIT: fixed


Thanks, I added the service restart in form of signal-event nethserver-collabora-update to the wiki entry.

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or restart it by default on a nethserver-collabora-update event, again just a suggestion:

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Thx, I thought I entered the restart already…


I managed to change to http, it was easy, seems loolwsd uses port 9981 when running http.


No, seems not so easy, collabora not working, only admin interface :disappointed_relieved:

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Very nice! EDIT oke work to be done…

BTW I have dificuties finding documentation, and man loolconfig does not give much too.
Did you find any, or (also) trial and error?

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Me too, I am afraid there’s not much documentation.
I am going with trial/error method too :unamused:


BTW, for additional custom config you may have look at the links by @dnutan :

Respect for the achievement to get it up and running so good!

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Thanks for your support and code commit, really appreciate it.