NethServer as a Primary mail Server

can I use IMAP client for the email account? if yes then how is it possible?? as I am getting these errors while connecting third-party IMAP email client.

Can I use SSl or TLS secured connection instead if none for the second domain email address??

Certainly you can. But if you’re trying to connect to that domain name, it will need to be added to your server certificate.

How I can add this domain to my existing server certificate?

The easiest way is using Lets Encrypt certificates. By adding the subdomains that are running on your server, you will get a certificate valid for all those subdomains.
You can find the certificate in servermanager under Configuration / Server certificate (old servermanager)
or under System / certificates (new servermanager)

When I request a certificate I got these errors as you can see in the attached picture.

Lets encrypt validates DNS records. Did you create DNS records (A or CNAME) for your (sub)domains at your domain registrar?

Yes, I already created a DNS record for my second domain

Also for the sub domain(s)??

yes also for the subdomain

is there any problem if my first domain already have an ssl certificate

but when I tried both domains separately it looks like

If I delete all the files under the /etc/letsencrypt/live/ and request again for let’s encrypt certificate. Will it work or not? or will it destroy the whole server?

Do not delete those files–there’s no reason to do so, and you’ll almost certainly break things.

Sadly, the GUI isn’t very helpful with its error messages. It’s possible the system log would have more information, or almost certain that you’ll find more detail in /var/log/letsencrypt.

Well under the /etc/log/letsencrypt/ folder planty of log files and these files contains a lot of data regarding logs,

Currently, my first domain controller domain has an ssl certificate. I added second domain to my server then I created an email address of my second domain.

My goal is to login via second domain emails using any other IMAP client application. when I do so I got these errors

That’s why I am trying to install the same certificate on my second domain to get rid of these SSL/TLS connection errors.

Is there any possibility that I can get rid of these errors and login to my second domain emails using IMAP client.

Kind Regards,


Yes, there are. And one of them will have the details of exactly what happened when your server tried to validate the cert with both domain names. If you can’t be bothered to see what’s there, I don’t think we can help you any further.

New translation messages issue here:

Finally, I am able to login second domain email via third Part IMAP application, really Thank you @danb35 and @robb


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Verified. All right!

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Only if you want a really reliable one :rofl::rofl: yes of course.