Nethserver-arm 7.7.1908 images for testing

Please try again with a new link


thanks, downloading… :clap::+1:


quick test, and all seems ok with yum repo metadata.
I’m not sure I understood correctly the problems with NetworkManager, but the rpi correctly get ip from my dhcp… i think i must re-read issue #33 :thinking::sweat_smile:
but the real, big problem are the hardware/cpu fileds in Dashboard :blush: :rofl:
so i played a bit merging old e new code and it look better now :innocent:
is it nethserver-cockpit/api/system-status/read the only file to change or i am missing something in the big (and unknown for me) cockpit world? :thinking:


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I think it is the only file you need to change.


Hello David

no test today :frowning: i am using the new ling but download speed is 20k so it neeed more than 4h

thank you, opened an issue: Cockpit Dashboard empty hardware/info · Issue #34 · NethServer/arm-dev · GitHub

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Works like a charm, So we can close closed #33 :+1:

But getting rid of that virus like peace of sh…tinking NetworkManager is not trivial.
Something definitively changed in 7.7


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Strange had the opposite experience : it was very fast :star_struck:

Any idea how to install NS on the pretty new Odroid N2? I guess the performance would be quite good.

I got Nethserver installed on Odroid N2. At first I installed Centos 7 on a system having the boot files from Ubuntu which worked fine. Then I installed the Nethserver repo and Nethserver got installed which in the end destroyed the route to NS. The system boots and when I try to login with putty /ssh I get a “no route to host”. The new NS system has the same IP as Centos before, I checked that. Something was switched by the NS configuratiom at the end of the installaton process.
Any ideas? Any hints where to search?

Do i understand correctly the system has an IP Series after the NS install but you can not reach it using the hostname?
What if you try to reach it on the IP with putty?

No, in fact everything went well til to the end of the NS system configuration. Then the network ist destroyed and doesn’t come up anymore when the system reboots. The last message I saw on the putty screen regarded the creation of symbolic links. After that there is something like “OK. Completed.” which I could see in the install log but not over ssh.
Can anybody tell what happens there at the end of the system configuration and how I can avoid killing the network?

No ideas why the NS setup kills the network? The problem looks a little bit like those after installing NS on top of Centos in a LXC container.
Unfortunately my board runs headless. So I can only connect through ssh or I have to mount the emmc chip on a different PC in order to read the log or to manipulate any files.

Oke this complicates things…
Did you have a fixed or a DHCP IP before you ran nethserver-install?

Maybe you are bitten by the same thing which I though was specific to the RPI-4.

If it was DHCP you may salvage your install by editing either the eth0-icfg script or manualy creating a simlink to enable networkmanager. For the latter you probably need to chroot the ROOTFS on your emmc chip.

I would try to go with editing ../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (assuming the network interface defaulted to eth0) to kickstart the network and provide something of the like off :


in which w.x.y.z needs to be a valid ipadres in your network.

NOTE: this hack will be over written if you change the network configuration in nethserver.
So if you succeed provide a valid (FIXED-IP) setup in ns asap :sweat_smile:

BTW: I can highly recommend to get a hardkernel serial-to-usb converter for headless tinkering :grinning:

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Nope. Your hint looked promising but it doesn’t work, unfortunately.
Again with Centos 7 alone everything works. And once the NS installation has completed with the final “system init” game is over.
I think I give up now. But thank you anyway.


if someone want to test it (especially on x86_64, where nothing should change):

# cp /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-status/read /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-status/read.bak
# curl -o /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-status/read && chmod +x /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-status/read



anybody have the passoword by root, in this img, thxs!!

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The password is whatever you set it to during installation. If you did an unattended installation, I believe the root password is Nethesis,1234.


@danb35 is right : password is Nethesis,1234

Please also note there are (final) Nethserver 7.8.2003 images available too: Releases · NethServer/arm-dev · GitHub


2 posts were split to a new topic: NethServer on Rock64 ARM board