Nethserver and NextDNS

Hi All

I have started using NextDNS recently and am really like it. Almost like a hosted Pi-Hole!

The have a CLI cline t to install for Linux and I was looking at installing it within my Nethserver installation

NextDNS CLI Client

Has anyone had experience with this or is there any plans in the future to perhaps work with the NextDNS team?

Kind regards,

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  • what do you like about it ?
  • what is the difference PROS/CONS with Pi-Hole ?
  • did you tried AdGuard Home ?

From what I see quickly on their page, there’s nothing at all stopping you from using it with Nethserver. They’re a DNS server, so just point your DNS settings at them. Would anything else be needed?

For me the pros are able to use the Private DNS feature on my Android phone while outside of my local network while still having visibility over the analytics similar to Pi-Hole

While I like Pi-Hole NextDNS has nifty features for adding block lists and keeping them well updated

I did try AdGuard home as well but found NextDNS to be good as an all round DNS solution

I have set the DNS in Nethserver to point to NextDNS IPv4 DNS servers
With a more integrated solution you can view individual devices as it doesn’t currently forward those from the router

For examply: I can use the Private DNS feature within Android and change the Private DNS to and then the admin portal sees that as an individual device (the being a unique DNS domainfor my account)

o I got it, it’s a DNS service in the cloud such as OpenDNS, Quad9 and many others

Thats right
They have a free test config you can do if you go to their website to check it out