Nethserver 8 Path to certificates with Traefik 3

NethServer Version: 8.4
Module: traefik 3.0


Previously, the certificates were stored in the path /home/traefik1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/traefik-acme/_data/acme.json.

This seems to have changed since the last updates, in which path are the certificates now stored?


Hi Erwin,
find the new path with

ls /home/traefik*/.config/state/acme/acme.json

I wish I could write a HowTo on obtaining the TLS certificate from external systems as well, which involves invoking the get-certificate action through the cluster-admin API.

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Hi David,

Thank you very much for your help.

I wish I could write a HowTo on obtaining the TLS certificate from external systems as well, which involves invoking the get-certificate action through the cluster-admin API.

That would be great, of course. But Iā€™m in good spirits, Nethserver 8 is getting better and better and has already received so many useful new features, there will certainly be a solution for this at some point.

Best, Erwin