Nethserver 7 and Windows Server 2022?

I would like to know if it is possible to join NS7 into a windows server 2022 child-domain?

The primary domain for example is mydomain.lan and NS7 should join to child1.mydomain.lan… Is this possible and how?

No it is not possible to add NS7 DC to an existing AD domain (or forest). NS7 DC runs only alone.

Having said that you could run some experiments because Samba allows it. In the wiki there are some notes about adding ns7 DC to an existing domain. I never tried to provision a sub-domain though.[]=nsdc

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I probably misunderstood the question. If you want to configure NS7 with an external account provider that is a sub-domain of an AD forest the answer is “I don’t know if it works”. I don’t remember I tried it.

@nrauso have you ever tried it?

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