NethServer 7.8.2003

Today, we’re happy to announce that NethServer 7.8.2003 has been released and is publicly available.

The list of changes is available here.

Upgrade from 7.7.1908

The upgrade will be available since next week from the Software Center.

Download and install

The ISO is already available for download:


Special thanks to anyone who tested the release candidate!


Congratulations with this new release and happy to join this announcement from the (community) arm side of 7.8.2003. :grinning:

Arm32 bit is not far behind and the release candidate images are available today. There is good hope to move to final swiftly this time with arm32-bit because the main headache issue, failing network on rpi4, is solved. :sweat:

The images can be downloaded from the releases at the arm-dev github repository where you find instructions to get your arm-board up and running.

stay save, it’s time for a :beers: or two


Just downloaded the iso form SourceForge, it took 4 hours…

IIRC @robb has mentioned somewhere something about add-blokkers, which I (temporally) disabled…
Tried Firefox, Chromium and MS-Edge,
Any clue’s why this happens, do not have super fast internet but even centos-8 (almost 8G) took aprox 4 minutes…

Wrong mirror. Sometimes happens.
My installation still cannot “see” any 7.8 update.


Thank you Michael,

Actually the 4 hour download failed, from an other mirror pilot-fiber in the US it took just 1:20 min.
(note my locale is the Netherlands)

sourceforge is probably the worst download provider, even free. This is not a good way to introduce us, when the first contact is a 3 or 4 hours to download an ISO. Certainly some people could give up


What are some of the possible “solutions” or additions to make it better?
Download page detecting browser location and nearest mirror for direct downloads?
Add more mirrors, torrent seeds, or other download service sources?


I still don’t see any updates for 7.8 on any of my systems, neither in Dashboard nor in Cockpit…
I thought they were supposed to show up from yesterday?


I agree with @pike, I had a fast download when I’ve tried.

I agree also with this.

We will look to some of the alternatives pointed by @dnutan.

Please be patient, we have been blocked by … marketing team :cry:
There are already dozens of 7.8 around, but we couldn’t release the update packages because announcements are not ready yet :frowning:

I invite you all to update in the meanwhile using the following command:

yum update --enablerepo=nethserver-testing nethserver-subscription
signal-event software-repos-upgrade

The package from testing is already the stable one :wink:

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Testing @home right now!



I agree with all of the above things!

Did you try the .torrent download? A couple of days ago I saw 35 seeders: I guess some of them are good!

Thumb up for Torrent. Most used for Client distro, but also available on DistroWatch.

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So the first change we can do today is pointing the main download link to the .torrent file (with some instructions for every platform) and leave SF as second choice.

What do you think?

Can you suggest me a good BT client for each OS?

What about asking @stephdl to include his nethverver-transmision module in the nethserver-code base?


:muscle: yes! Every Nethserverian should contribute to the distribution of the new ISO!

@alefattorini a new badge is wanted: seeder :smile:

BTW @giacomo, we could serve the current ISOs 6&7 from too…

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Updating to 7.8: since 17 minutes 0%…


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IMO this is really a terrible idea. The main link should be the simplest one to grab: HTTP.

No, we need also a way to easily count downloads.

Please do not search for too quick and easy solutions!
We are stick to sourceforge because it has multiple world-wide mirrors, is easy to use, and has download statistics.

I agree to move away, but for sure not now and not without a good plan.

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