NethServer 7.5 released

Yassssss! Thank you all!

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This is great news. So this also means that available official modules are considered ‘stable’?

Wow! Good news! The RC1 was already stable, so the Final looks better :grinning:

Thank you all ! - :clap:

Thank you!

Question: In the Accounts section, how can I see the “Machine accounts” names?
Answer: # net ads search -P objectClass=Computer|grep distinguishedName
or : net ads -P search '(objectCategory=Computer)' dnsHostName

From a PC using Win8.1 and member of this domain a got this:

C:\Users\myself>net view
Server Name Remark
\ADS NethServer 7.5.1804 beta (Samba 4.7.1)

:thinking: try with

  1. Remove “beta” from /var/lib/machines/nsdc/etc/samba/smb.conf

  2. Restart Samba DC service

Hello!. There isn’t “beta” word in the .conf file.
I restart the service and the “beta” word remains.

Ops sorry:

signal-event nethserver-samba-update

Ignore my previous post


  • signal-event nethserver-sssd-update
  • signal-event nethserver-samba-update

Both, the “beta” text remains.


Ah, the proverbial fix :smile:

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Reboot Windows :wink:


Excellent!!! Downloading The Best of the Best :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Hi guys

Anyone experience any problems after this update?

Also if you removed WebVirtMgr support is this mean that this update will remove this module from existing installation?

No, the module is not removed from existing installations.


Thank you Giacomo for quick info. Let’s do this update then :sunglasses:

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Just installed on my test machine. Looks good so far…

One small item - the web site has the md5 and sha1 checksums reversed - confused me no end after downloading the iso…


Thank you for pointing it out! Just fixed the post above. Now @alefattorini, could you fix the blog post too?


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We completely forgot the new virtual-host based reverse proxy panel! /cc @stephdl


A post was split to a new topic: How to create QoS rules in 7.5?

Maybe it could be useful for others : updating from 7.X to 7.5 using yum is done that way :

yum install