Nethsecurity UI accessible from WAN


I just noticed that the my Nethsecurity UI is accessible by the WAN IP (without port 9090)
Should this not be impossible ?
And most important. How can i disable this
My port 9090 is disabled in the firewall, but it is not using port 9090 from WAN connection.

Did you test to connect to the WAN IP from outside your LAN, for example using a mobile connection?

It’s possible to disable the web UI on port 443, see Remote access — NethSecurity documentation

It’s also possible to disable “Allow-HTTPS-from-WAN” but then also port forwards or reverse proxies won’t work anymore.

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Yes. With my mobile phone and from work PC at work

Thanks. I should had found this myself.
This is working

I had the understanding the UI is only accesible from port 9090, but apparently not. This is in my opinion strange and unsecure

I’ve indeed reverse proxies, so that is no option

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I think it’s to ease access at installation time (if you’re not used to use port 9090) but at least it’s documented in Remote access — NethSecurity documentation

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Would be better to have this as a setting in the UI
I can imagine not everybody is reading the docs very detailed.

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I may agree, but it’s the default for most router and firewall: if you did not read any documentation, the 443 port is usually the first one you try.

I agree but not easy at all, still we have some plans for it.