Nethsecurity Speedtest

I don’see on GUI the possibility to launch a speedtest as i can do it on previous nethserver7.

Is possibile to do from CLI and if yes, how?


It’s coming with next milestone I guess: feat(conf): add speedtestcpp package by filippocarletti · Pull Request #962 · NethServer/nethsecurity · GitHub

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So for now is not possible also in the cli?

if this is the command, I don’t see an option to test different wans (multiwan) on the same nethsecurity

i don’t know i maybe some devs can answer this problem…waiting for it.

mwan3 use <name of wan> speedtest --force-by-latency-test

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And for do a speedtest from CLI in my case this firewall doesn’t have multiwan only one, is possible to do it?

Yes, it will be possible also with just one WAN interface.

If i do this command i receive this output:

root@fw:~# mwan3 use wan1 speedtest --force-by-latency-test
could not find family for wan1. Using ipv4.
Running ‘speedtest --force-by-latency-test’ with DEVICE=eth1 SRCIP= FWMARK=0x3f00 FAMILY=ipv4
/usr/sbin/mwan3: line 238: speedtest: not found

It’s not implemented yet, we have to wait until next milestone.