Nethsecurity 8 port forwarding not working with multiple aliase adresses

Hi there, I have found that when I put multiple addresses on an alias interface, the port forwarding stops working. It has been the case through multiple iterations of nethsecurity. I am on 8.4 now and it is still doing the same. If I remove the additional addresses, the forwarding works correctly. Currently, I have 1 address on the logical wan interface and then I am trying to put 3 on the alias interface.

Did you set a WAN IP in the port forward advanced settings?

Yes, I have set the wan address there. I am also noticing that source nat is not working to get email going out the correct wan address. I did have all this working on a machine with 4 nics in it so I didn’t have to add all the aliases, but the RAM has failed on that machine, so I’m currently having to do it with just a single physical wan interface. Also, I’ve configured logging on these forward rules, but I don’t see anything in the logs.