Netdata on Nethserver

Hi Team,

I am back. I have a small issue. I am trying to install netdata on nethserver on this site: I am able to access the monitoring tool. However when I rebooted the nethserver I am unable to access netdata and gave me this error message:

I check with netdata website and said that you need to configure it that the service is always on.

I would like to ask how can I do that?

If you’re installing on NS 7, go to the firewall rules page and create a new rule like:

  • Action: accept
  • From: red
  • To: firewall
  • Service: create a service with tcp port 9999
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Netdata seems pretty cool!

I’ve just tried the installation on my clean NS 7:

yum install
yum install jq

db fwservices set netdata fwservice Ports 19999 Protcol tcpudp
db fwrules set 444 rule Action accept Dst fw Log none Position 64 Service  fwservice;monit Src any status enabled

systemctl start netdata
signal-event firewall-adjust

(Note: pay attention to firewall rules, do not overwrite existing ones :wink: )




Is this the right installation? I install it it in nethserver 6.8. If we can provide an option to install it in software center that will be great. It is a great monotoring tool

Maybe something like this looks better? :smiley:

Integrating netdata as standalone graph tool (like CGP), should be easy.
Dashboard hacking requires a little time.

(Work done NS 7. NS 6.x is in feature freeze mode).


:heart_eyes: looks very cool! Are there also graphs which currently CGP misses?

Love it!!!:heart_eyes:

Wow that is good. Is this available now?

No it’s not :slight_smile: it’s only a proof of concepts, I’m waiting to someone who want step in and take care of the package! :smiley:

Now is available on Cockpit Software Manager. But there’s no service configured, or access from red.

Can we get some instructions, or a howto on how to access once this is installed.

For access from my internal LAN, is it simply updating the “bind to” in the /etc/netdata/netdata.conf from localhost to my br0 IP. Yes, yes, I know I need to do that within the e-smith framework.


Here you are :slight_smile:


Duhhhh, RTFM. Thank you.

That section warns about not changing the port because of Cockpit. Where in Cockpit is this supposed to show, as I don’t see anything. Or is that a future enhancement. Used by Dante ??


Cockpit heavily uses netdata for creating many graphs, like the ones for the firewall wans or QoS.
Netdata is access by the API, not directly from the UI.