sorry, I know this is the wrong forum … anyway can somebody take my fear and confirm, please:
I want to increase a device within Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
The device is a TARGET provided from Synology NAS to a VM within Proxmox.
The target is directly linked as HDD within the VM, consequently, this is just a simple device. I do not use LVM or anything else, it is just raw. The respective device is /dev/sda, there was just one partition /dev/sda/sda1.
If it’s the root file system you can only grow which I think is what you plan to do a few things first
IIRC btrfs filesystem and lvm are the only filesystem that support mounted grow and shrink I’m guessing your system uses ext4.
sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1
The command above would resize to the maximum permitted.
In your case I think your right in adding the -p (I’m assuming that switch is for persistent as it’s a technically a virtual drive)
so sudo resize2fs -p /dev/sda1 should work if we assume that your running the command directly on the ubuntu machine